ARM Data Quality Web Services

The ARMDQR web service is a world accessible mechanism to query the DQR database. The service will return a list of time blocks (start/end time pairs) that delineate when a user should not use or should be suspicious of ARM data. Read the DQR Web Service User Guide for help with integrating this service with your data processing code. See the 2015 Science Team Meeting Poster for an overview.

Mandatory Parameters

Optional Parameters

Machine Readable Delimited Data Response

D070813.1|20070601.000000|20070831.235900|suspect|NSA/MFRSR/C2 - Instrument shading problem
D050811.4|20050808.050000|20050810.210000|suspect|NSA/MFRSR/C2 - Intermittent data
D090302.2|20090204.203000|20090302.220200|incorrect|NSA/MFRSR/C2 - Shadowband misalignment,endtime&timeformat=armtime&searchmetric=incorrect,suspect
