Broadband Radiometer Station (BRS): 60-second broadband shortwave and longwave radiation (brs60s)

Browse Data

The broadband radiometer station (BRS) is located at the ARM Southern Great Plains site Central Facility, near the solar and infrared radiation station (SIRS) C1 station. The BRS station collection of radiometers provides continuous measurements of broadband shortwave (solar) and longwave (infrared) irradiances for downwelling components. These 1-minute data are collected to help determine the radiative energy exchange. The BRS station is similar in design to the ARM sky radiometers on stand for downwelling radiation (SKYRAD) stations and is operated by ARM in association with the Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN, ).


Southern Great Plains - Central Facility, Lamont, OK
  • Latitude: 36.607322
  • Longitude: -97.487643
  • Publication Date: 2001-03-05
  • Start Date: 2001-03-05
  • End Date: 2003-04-17
  • Last Updated: 2003-04-21

Instrument Mentor

Manajit Sengupta
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Afshin Andreas
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Shawn Jaker
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Aron Habte
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Yu Xie
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jaemo Yang
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Ibrahim Reda
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

DOI / Citation
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) user facility. 2001. Broadband Radiometer Station (BRS60S). 2001-03-05 to 2003-04-17, Southern Great Plains (SGP) Central Facility, Lamont, OK (C1). Compiled by M. Sengupta, A. Andreas, M. Dooraghi, A. Habte, M. Kutchenreiter, I. Reda, Y. Xie, J. Yang and S. Jaker. ARM Data Center. Data set accessed at