W-Band Scanning ARM Cloud Radar (W-SACR) Vertically Pointing Scan (wsacrvpt)

Browse Data

ARM’s scanning cloud radars are fully coherent dual-frequency, dual-polarization Doppler radars mounted on a common scanning pedestal. Each pedestal includes a Ka-band radar (2kW peak power) and the deployment location determines whether the second radar is a W-band (WSACR; 1.7 kW peak power) or X-band (XSACR; 20 kW peak power). Beamwidths at Ka and W bands are roughly matched at 0.3 degrees.

Due to the narrow antenna beamwidth, ARM s scanning cloud radars use scanning strategies that are unlike typical weather radars. Rather than focusing on plan position indicator, or PPI, scans, the Ka-SACR uses range height indicator, or RHI, scans at numerous azimuths to obtain cloud volume data.

Measurements collected with the W-SACR are copolar and cross-polar radar reflectivity, Doppler velocity, spectra width and spectra when not scanning, and linear depolarization ration.


North Slope Alaska - Central Facility, Barrow AK
  • Latitude: 38.956158
  • Longitude: -106.987856
  • Publication Date: 2011-06-27
  • Start Date: 2011-06-27
  • End Date: 2015-06-30
  • Last Updated: 2017-09-28

Instrument Mentor


ya-chien feng
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Iosif (Andrei) Lindenmaier
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Alyssa Matthews
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Tim Wendler
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Vagner Castro
Karen Johnson
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Danny Nelson
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Scott Giangrande
Brookhaven National Laboratory

DOI / Citation

Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) user facility. 2011. W-band Scanning ARM Cloud Radar (WSACRVPT). 2011-06-27 to 2015-06-30, North Slope Alaska (NSA) Central Facility, Barrow AK (C1). Compiled by N. Bharadwaj, I. Lindenmaier, y. feng, K. Johnson, D. Nelson, B. Isom, J. Hardin, A. Matthews, T. Wendler and V. Castro. ARM Data Center. Data set accessed at http://dx.doi.org/10.5439/1150290.