Balloon-borne Sounding System (BBSS): meterological data profile (sonde)

Browse Data

The balloon-borne sounding system (SONDE) provides in situ measurements (vertical profiles) of both the thermodynamic state of the atmosphere, and the wind speed and direction.

Sonde operations can provide important constraints for model simulations if used during field campaigns where multiple stations are operated around a central location with baseline measurements, such as a mobile facility. When deployed, sondes are launched at scheduled intervals.



North Slope Alaska - Barrow, Alaska, supplement to NSA C1 for sonde launches (i.e. RIVAL IOP)
  • Latitude: 38.956158
  • Longitude: -106.987856
  • Publication Date: 2018-03-08
  • Start Date: 2018-03-08
  • End Date: 2019-10-21
  • Last Updated: 2019-10-23

Instrument Mentor

Evan Keeler
Argonne National Laboratory
Jenni Kyrouac
Argonne National Laboratory

DOI / Citation
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) user facility. 2018. Balloon-Borne Sounding System (SONDE). 2018-03-08 to 2019-10-21, North Slope Alaska (NSA) Barrow, Alaska, supplement to NSA C1 for sonde launches (i.e. RIVAL IOP) (S02). Compiled by E. Keeler, M. Ritsche, R. Coulter, J. Kyrouac and D. Holdridge. ARM Data Center. Data set accessed at