netcdf sgpruc60X1.c1.980423.000000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (8 currently) x = 12 ; y = 14 ; pres = 37 ; variables: int base_time ; base_time:string = "23-Apr-98,0:00:00 GMT" ; base_time:long_name = "Base time in Epoch" ; base_time:units = "seconds since 1970-1-1 0:00:00 0:00" ; double time_offset(time) ; time_offset:long_name = "Time offset from base_time" ; time_offset:units = "seconds since 1998-04-23 00:00:00 0:00" ; double valid_time(time) ; valid_time:long_name = "valid time" ; valid_time:units = "hours since 1998-04-23 00:00:00 00" ; valid_time:calc = "both valid_time (as an offset in hours from valid_date) and time_offset (as an offset in seconds from base_time were taken from the time of the raw data file name, after the latter has been checked against the time stamp of all GRIB records in it." ; valid_time:valid_max = "24.f" ; valid_time:valid_min = "0.f" ; double forecast_period(time) ; forecast_period:long_name = "forecast period" ; forecast_period:units = "hours" ; forecast_period:description = "time period from model initiation (with analysis data) to valid time" ; forecast_period:value_0_explained = "Record is a zero hour forecast." ; forecast_period:value_\>0_explained = "Record is a bona fide forecast." ; forecast_period:value_-7777_explained = "Record is an analysis record (not a forecast)" ; float valid_date ; valid_date:long_name = "date of valid_time" ; valid_date:units = "day.time_zone [See format and note_2.]" ; valid_date:note_1 = "duplicates the reference date in \'units\' of valid_time" ; valid_date:purpose = "This field is created, so that this date can appear in data listing with valid_time and forecast_period. A reader friendly feature, at the expense of redundancy." ; valid_date:format = "yyyymmdd.zz in floating point (real) format; this non-standard foramt was chosen so that programmers will have only one standard way of accessing this reference date (by reading the char string, reference date, in the \'units\' attribute of valid_time)." ; valid_date:note_2 = "If zz does not appear in ncdump listing, it means its value is equal to 00 and thus truncated." ; float avail_of_run(time) ; avail_of_run:long_name = "availability of model run (i.e., ingested \'allruc\' file containing run output)" ; avail_of_run:units = "(none)" ; avail_of_run:values = "1. (available); 0. (not available, as determined by ingest module); -9999. (availability unknown)" ; float pres(pres) ; pres:long_name = "pressure at constant pressure surface" ; pres:units = "hPa" ; pres:valid_max = "1000.01f" ; pres:valid_min = "99.99f" ; float lat_PS(y, x) ; lat_PS:long_name = "latitude of the polar stereographic grid points" ; lat_PS:units = "degrees North" ; lat_PS:mapping = "lat_PS increases mainly with index y, while it also varies slightly with x" ; lat_PS:note = "That is because the grid is polar stereographic" ; lat_PS:valid_max = "91.01f" ; lat_PS:valid_min = "-90.01f" ; float lon_PS(y, x) ; lon_PS:long_name = "longitude of the polar stereographic grid points" ; lon_PS:units = "degrees East" ; lon_PS:mapping = "lon_PS increases mainly with index x, while it also varies slightly with y" ; lon_PS:note = "That is because the grid is polar stereographic" ; lon_PS:valid_max = "360.01f" ; lon_PS:valid_min = "-360.01f" ; float pres_Sfc(time, y, x) ; pres_Sfc:long_name = "pressure at ground surface" ; pres_Sfc:units = "hPa" ; pres_Sfc:calc = "pressure record at the first sigma level" ; pres_Sfc:valid_max = "1050.01f" ; pres_Sfc:valid_min = "99.99f" ; float hgt(time, pres, y, x) ; hgt:long_name = "geometric height (above mean sea level)" ; hgt:units = "m" ; hgt:valid_max = "20000.f" ; hgt:valid_min = "-500.f" ; float temp(time, pres, y, x) ; temp:long_name = "temperature" ; temp:units = "K" ; temp:valid_max = "373.f" ; temp:valid_min = "173.f" ; float rh(time, pres, y, x) ; rh:long_name = "relative humidity" ; rh:units = "percent" ; rh:cloud_definition = "NMC criterion, which is ..." ; rh:valid_max = "100.01f" ; rh:valid_min = "0.f" ; float u(time, pres, y, x) ; u:long_name = "X component of wind, oriented in the polar stereographic grid" ; u:units = "m/s" ; u:valid_max = "200.f" ; u:valid_min = "-200.f" ; float v(time, pres, y, x) ; v:long_name = "Y component of wind, oriented in the polar stereographic grid" ; v:units = "m/s" ; v:valid_max = "200.f" ; v:valid_min = "-200.f" ; float lat ; lat:long_name = "north latitude" ; lat:units = "degrees" ; lat:valid_range = -90.f, 90.f ; float lon ; lon:long_name = "east longitude" ; lon:units = "degrees" ; lon:valid_range = -180.f, 180.f ; float alt ; alt:long_name = "altitude" ; alt:units = "meters above Mean Sea Level" ; // global attributes: :Date = "Sun Apr 26 04:33:41 1998" ; :Version = "Release_1_5_1" ; :Command_Line = "/apps/vip/bin/gridsub.rsgp -s 980423.000000 -e 980423.001000" ; :Input_Platforms = "sgpallruc60X1.c0" ; :BW_Version = "Release_3_2" ; :title = "\"Rapid Update Cycle\" ;" ; :type = "\"Isobaric variables on isobaric surfaces\" ;" ; :history = "created by Zeb DataStore, 26-Apr-98,4:33:41, $RCSfile: DFA_NetCDF.c,v $ $Revision: 3.47 $\n", "" ; :inclusion = "\"analysis data only; 0,1,2 hr. forecast were excluded\" ;" ; :scale = "\"60km at 40N\" ;" ; :Temporal_Reporting_Interval = "\"3 hours\" ;" ; :latlon_SW_corner = "33.467, -101.275" ; :latlon_SE_corner = "32.781, - 94.646" ; :latlon_NW_corner = "40.284, -100.676" ; :latlon_NE_corner = "39.441, - 93.019." ; :Data_Volume_per_reporting_interval = "\"1,003 kbytes\" ;" ; :record = "valid_time, forecast_period" ; :record_explained = "the output of one model run which is stored as a time dependent sample" ; :record_stored = "This file contains one record, i.e., RUC model output, from only one of the following eight daily runs now ingested into allruc60 platforms:" ; :analysis/forecast_period = "an, an, an, an, an, an, an, an" ; :time_of_day = "0z, 3z, 6z, 9z, 12z, 15z, 18z, 21z (time of day at valid_time)" ; :source = "NMC (National Meteorological Center)" ; :source_format = "GRIB" ; :grid_type = "N. Hemisphere polar stereographic (GRIB grid #87)" ; :index_x = "ranges from 1 (west) to Nx (east), fastest moving" ; :index_y = "ranges from 1 (south) to Ny (north), second fastest" ; :index_pres = "ranges from 1 (1000mb) to 37 (100mb)" ; :index_time = "slowest moving; only 1 record per file in this platform" ; :missing-data = "-9999.0f" ; :no-value-expected = "-7777.0f" ; :zeb_platform = "sgpruc60X1.c1" ; }