netcdf sgpaerich1C1.a1.950725.001426 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (164 currently) wnum = 2655 ; wnum2 = 1254 ; variables: int base_time ; base_time:long_name = "Base time in Epoch" ; base_time:units = "sec" ; double time_offset(time) ; time_offset:long_name = "Offset from base_time" ; time_offset:units = "sec" ; float lat ; lat:long_name = "Site latitude" ; lat:units = "-90.0 <= deg <= 90.0" ; float lon ; lon:long_name = "Site longitude" ; lon:units = "-180.0 <= deg <= 180.0" ; float alt ; alt:long_name = "Site altitude" ; alt:units = "m > MSL" ; float hotBBTemp(time) ; hotBBTemp:long_name = "Hot Blackbody Temperature" ; hotBBTemp:units = "K" ; hotBBTemp:precision = "1.E-2" ; hotBBTemp:missing_value = "-9999." ; float coldBBTemp(time) ; coldBBTemp:long_name = "Cold Blackbody Temperature" ; coldBBTemp:units = "K" ; coldBBTemp:precision = "1.E-2" ; coldBBTemp:missing_value = "-9999." ; float reflectedTemp(time) ; reflectedTemp:long_name = "Reflected Temperature" ; reflectedTemp:units = "K" ; reflectedTemp:precision = "1.E-2" ; reflectedTemp:missing_value = "-9999." ; float thermistor0(time) ; thermistor0:long_name = "Ambient Air near BBs" ; thermistor0:units = "C" ; thermistor0:precision = "1.E-2" ; thermistor0:missing_value = "-9999." ; float thermistor1(time) ; thermistor1:long_name = "MB100 2nd Port" ; thermistor1:units = "C" ; thermistor1:precision = "1.E-2" ; thermistor1:missing_value = "-9999." ; float thermistor2(time) ; thermistor2:long_name = "Reflected Temperature" ; thermistor2:units = "C" ; thermistor2:precision = "1.E-2" ; thermistor2:missing_value = "-9999." ; float thermistor3(time) ; thermistor3:long_name = "Hatch Open Indicator" ; thermistor3:units = "C" ; thermistor3:precision = "1.E-2" ; thermistor3:missing_value = "-9999." ; thermistor3:hatch_open_is_true = "The Hatch Open Indicator obtains a value of 301K (28C) when the hatch is open" ; thermistor3:hatch_open_is_false = "The Hatch Open Indicator obtains a value of 157K (-116C) when the hatch is NOT open (not necessarily closed)" ; float thermistor4(time) ; thermistor4:long_name = "HBB #1" ; thermistor4:units = "C" ; thermistor4:precision = "1.E-2" ; thermistor4:missing_value = "-9999." ; float thermistor5(time) ; thermistor5:long_name = "ABB #1" ; thermistor5:units = "C" ; thermistor5:precision = "1.E-2" ; thermistor5:missing_value = "-9999." ; float thermistor6(time) ; thermistor6:long_name = "HBB #2" ; thermistor6:units = "C" ; thermistor6:precision = "1.E-2" ; thermistor6:missing_value = "-9999." ; float thermistor7(time) ; thermistor7:long_name = "ABB #2" ; thermistor7:units = "C" ; thermistor7:precision = "1.E-2" ; thermistor7:missing_value = "-9999." ; float thermistor8(time) ; thermistor8:long_name = "Electronics Air" ; thermistor8:units = "C" ; thermistor8:precision = "1.E-2" ; thermistor8:missing_value = "-9999." ; float thermistor9(time) ; thermistor9:long_name = "Fixed Resistor #1 (2.6774K Ohms)" ; thermistor9:units = "C" ; thermistor9:precision = "1.E-2" ; thermistor9:missing_value = "-9999." ; float thermistor10(time) ; thermistor10:long_name = "Hatch Closed Indicator" ; thermistor10:units = "C" ; thermistor10:precision = "1.E-2" ; thermistor10:missing_value = "-9999." ; thermistor10:hatch_closed_is_true = "The Hatch Closed Indicator obtains a value of 304K (31C) when the hatch is closed" ; thermistor10:hatch_closed_is_false = "The Hatch Closed Indicator obtains a value of 148K (-125C) when the hatch is NOT closed (not necessarily open)" ; float thermistor11(time) ; thermistor11:long_name = "Outside Air" ; thermistor11:units = "C" ; thermistor11:precision = "1.E-2" ; thermistor11:missing_value = "-9999." ; float thermistor12(time) ; thermistor12:long_name = "Spare #1" ; thermistor12:units = "C" ; thermistor12:precision = "1.E0" ; thermistor12:missing_value = "-9999." ; float thermistor13(time) ; thermistor13:long_name = "Spare #2" ; thermistor13:units = "C" ; thermistor13:precision = "1.E0" ; thermistor13:missing_value = "-9999." ; float pressure(time) ; pressure:long_name = "Pressure" ; pressure:units = "hPa" ; pressure:precision = "1.E-2" ; pressure:missing_value = "-9999." ; float humidity_relative(time) ; humidity_relative:long_name = "Relative Humidity" ; humidity_relative:units = "Percent" ; humidity_relative:precision = "1.E-2" ; humidity_relative:missing_value = "-9999." ; float timeHHMMSS(time) ; timeHHMMSS:long_name = "Time (HHMMSS)" ; timeHHMMSS:units = "HHMMSS" ; timeHHMMSS:precision = "1.E0" ; timeHHMMSS:missing_value = "-9999." ; float timeBomemHHMM(time) ; timeBomemHHMM:long_name = "Bomem Time" ; timeBomemHHMM:units = "HHMMSS" ; timeBomemHHMM:precision = "1.E0" ; timeBomemHHMM:missing_value = "-9999." ; float originalRecordNumber(time) ; originalRecordNumber:long_name = "Original Record Number in CVI or RVI file" ; originalRecordNumber:units = "unitless" ; originalRecordNumber:precision = "1.E0" ; originalRecordNumber:missing_value = "-9999." ; float dataType(time) ; dataType:long_name = "Initial data quality flag" ; dataType:units = "unitless" ; dataType:interpretation_of_values = "2 implies good data, other values indicate suspect data" ; dataType:precision = "1.E0" ; dataType:missing_value = "-9999." ; float wnum(wnum) ; wnum:long_name = "wavenumbers for mean radiance spectra" ; wnum:units = "cm-1" ; wnum:independent_interval = "0.482147 cm-1" ; wnum:range_of_values = "[520.236816,1799.855591]" ; wnum:precision = "1.E-4" ; wnum:missing_value = "-9999." ; float mean_rad(time, wnum) ; mean_rad:long_name = "Mean of radiance spectra ensemble" ; mean_rad:units = "mW/(m2 sr cm-1)" ; mean_rad:precision = "1.E-4" ; mean_rad:missing_value = "-9999." ; float wnum2(wnum2) ; wnum2:long_name = "wavenumbers for standard deviation of radiance spectra" ; wnum2:units = "cm-1" ; wnum2:independent_interval = "0.482147 cm-1" ; wnum2:range_of_values = "[520.236816,1124.367310]" ; wnum2:precision = "1.E-4" ; wnum2:missing_value = "-9999." ; float standard_dev_mean_rad(time, wnum2) ; standard_dev_mean_rad:long_name = "Standard deviation of radiance spectra ensemble" ; standard_dev_mean_rad:units = "mW/(m2 sr cm-1)" ; standard_dev_mean_rad:precision = "1.E-4" ; standard_dev_mean_rad:missing_value = "-9999." ; // global attributes: :Date = "Thu Jul 27 03:17:29 1995" ; :Version = "$Id: sgpaeri1.c,v 1.13 1995/05/03 21:17:58 d3h797 Exp $" ; :Command_Line = "sgpaeri1 -i 950725" ; :Input_File\(s\) = "950725C1.RNI 950725F1.CVI" ; :Site_Id = "SGP" ; :Facility_Id = "C1" ; :Sample_Integration_Period = "nominally 2 sec, e.g. single sample time" ; :Averaging_Interval = " 3 minutes, e.g. sky dwell time" ; :Mirror_Position = "S" ; :Apodization_Indicator = "0.0" ; :Sky_Sample_Number = "45.0 scans" ; :Effective_Laser_Wavenumber = "15798.52 cm-1" ; :SSEC_Stamp = "SSEC" ; :AERI_Stamp = "AERI" ; :Instrument_Unit_Number = "0000" ; :Field_Of_View_Half_Angle = "0.0150 Radians" ; :Channel_Number = "1" ; :SSEC_Format_Version = "1.000" ; :Year = "95" ; :Month = "7" ; :Day = "25" ; :Date_In_YYMMDD = "950725" ; :Word_Type = "2" ; :AERI_System_Software_Release_Number = "1" ; :Data_Scale_Factor = "1000000" ; :Spectrum_Point_Count = "2655 Points" ; :Wavenumber_Interval = "0.48214722 cm-1" ; :Minimum_Wavenumber = "520.236816 cm-1" ; :Maximum_Wavenumber = "1799.855591 cm-1" ; :Number_Of_Words_Per_Record = "2755" ; :Number_Of_Words_In_Header = "100" ; :View_Angle_From_The_Vertical = "0.00 Degrees" ; :Hot_Blackbody_Emissivity = "0.9956" ; :Cold_Blackbody_Emissivity = "0.9956" ; :Nonlinearity-wgt = "100000.0" ; :Nonlinearity-eff = "0.9500" ; :Nonlinearity-fback = "0.5000" ; :Nonlinearity-hzpd0 = "44002.609" ; :Nonlinearity-czpd0 = "-60684.820" ; :Nonlinearity-nmax = "2.0" ; :Nonlinearity-an1 = "1.000" ; :Nonlinearity-an2 = "-0.0000000413183088" ; :Comments = "CURRENT vector fields are wnum, mean_rad, standard_dev_mean_rad" ; :Comment = "The time assigned to each data point indicates the end of any period of averaging of the geophysical data." ; :Use_of_hatch_indicators = "sky data is valid ONLY if hatch_open_is_true AND hatch_closed_is_false" ; }