netcdf sgpabrfcprecipX1.c1.20200219.000000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (18 currently) hrapy = 159 ; hrapx = 335 ; dates = 11 ; latlong = 4 ; y = 160 ; x = 336 ; bound = 2 ; variables: int base_time ; base_time:string = "2020-02-19 00:00:00 0:00" ; base_time:long_name = "Base time in Epoch" ; base_time:units = "seconds since 1970-1-1 0:00:00 0:00" ; base_time:ancillary_variables = "time_offset" ; double time_offset(time) ; time_offset:long_name = "Time offset from base_time" ; time_offset:units = "seconds since 2020-02-19 00:00:00 0:00" ; time_offset:ancillary_variables = "base_time" ; double time(time) ; time:long_name = "Time offset from midnight" ; time:units = "seconds since 2020-02-19 00:00:00 0:00" ; time:bounds = "time_bounds" ; time:standard_name = "time" ; double time_bounds(time, bound) ; time_bounds:long_name = "Time cell bounds" ; time_bounds:bound_offsets = -3600., 0. ; short precip(time, hrapy, hrapx) ; precip:long_name = "Hourly precipitation" ; precip:units = "0.01 mm" ; precip:grid = "hrap_grid=1/40th lfm grid" ; precip:resolution = "4km*4km" ; precip:source = "Arkansas-Red Basin River Forecast Center (ABRFC), Tulsa OK" ; precip:comments = "preliminary data...subject to change" ; precip:comment2 = "For each grid point, the amount of precipitation in the previous hour is given" ; char timeofdata(time, dates) ; timeofdata:long_name = "Time of data" ; timeofdata:units = "1" ; timeofdata:comment = "The time format of this field is MMDDhhmmss followed by a Z." ; char timeofcreation(time, dates) ; timeofcreation:long_name = "Time of creation" ; timeofcreation:units = "1" ; timeofcreation:comment = "The time format of this field is MMDDhhmmss followed by a Z." ; float lat_boundaries(latlong) ; lat_boundaries:long_name = "Latitude boundaries at the corners of the HRAP grid" ; lat_boundaries:units = "degree_N" ; lat_boundaries:order = "bottom_left,bottom_right,top_right,top_left" ; float lon_boundaries(latlong) ; lon_boundaries:long_name = "Longitude boundaries at the corners of the HRAP grid" ; lon_boundaries:units = "degree_E" ; lon_boundaries:order = "bottom_left,bottom_right,top_right,top_left" ; float lat(y, x) ; lat:long_name = "North latitude" ; lat:units = "degree_N" ; lat:valid_min = -90.f ; lat:valid_max = 90.f ; lat:comment = "Latitude of grid lines defining the grid-cell boundaries" ; lat:standard_name = "latitude" ; float lon(y, x) ; lon:long_name = "East longitude" ; lon:units = "degree_E" ; lon:valid_min = -180.f ; lon:valid_max = 180.f ; lon:comment = "Longitude of grid lines defining the grid-cell boundaries" ; lon:standard_name = "longitude" ; // global attributes: :command_line = "abrfcprecip_ingest -s sgp -f X1" ; :Conventions = "ARM-1.2" ; :process_version = "ingest-abrfcprecip-1.1-0.el6" ; :dod_version = "abrfcprecip-c1-1.0" ; :input_source = "/data/collection/sgp/sgpabrfcprecipX1.00/" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :platform_id = "abrfcprecip" ; :facility_id = "X1" ; :data_level = "c1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), External Facility" ; :datastream = "sgpabrfcprecipX1.c1" ; :Data_Description = "Arkansas-Red Basin River Forecast Center (ABRFC) Precipitation Data" ; :HRAP_Grid_comment = "The Hydrologic Rainfall Analysis Project (HRAP) grid as defined by Greene and Hudlow (1982) is used to define the location of each average precipitation value in a NEXRAD StageIII data set." ; :HRAP_Grid_comment2 = "Note that precip is given for each cell in the HRAP grid as indicated by dimensions hrapx and hrapy. The lat/lon data are given for the boundaries of the grid cells and therefore the total x and y index dimensions are hrapx+1 and hrapy+1." ; :doi = "10.5439/1433380" ; :history = "created by user dsmgr on machine tin at 2020-02-21 21:05:03, using ingest-abrfcprecip-1.1-0.el6" ; }