netcdf sgp60fslwpdnmetX1.b1.20141105.000000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (18 currently) station = 35 ; beam = 3 ; beamNameLen = 8 ; level = 72 ; staNamLen = 6 ; variables: int base_time ; base_time:string = " 5-Nov-2014, 00:00:00 GMT" ; base_time:long_name = "Base time in Epoch" ; base_time:units = "seconds since 1970-1-1 0:00:00 0:00" ; double time_offset(time) ; time_offset:long_name = "Time offset from base_time" ; time_offset:units = "seconds since 2014-11-05, 00:00:00 0:00" ; int wmoStaNum(station) ; wmoStaNum:long_name = "WMO numeric station ID" ; char staName(station, staNamLen) ; staName:long_name = "Alphanumeric station name" ; float staLat(station) ; staLat:long_name = "Station latitude" ; staLat:units = "degree_N" ; staLat:_FillValue = 1.e+38f ; staLat:valid_min = -90.f ; staLat:valid_max = 90.f ; float staLon(station) ; staLon:long_name = "Station longitude" ; staLon:units = "degree_E" ; staLon:_FillValue = 1.e+38f ; staLon:valid_min = -180.f ; staLon:valid_max = 180.f ; float staElev(station) ; staElev:long_name = "Elevation above MSL" ; staElev:units = "meter" ; staElev:_FillValue = 1.e+38f ; staElev:valid_min = 0.f ; staElev:valid_max = 8000.f ; double timeObs(time, station) ; timeObs:long_name = "Time of observation" ; timeObs:units = "seconds since 1970-1-1 00:00:00.0" ; timeObs:_FillValue = 1.e+38 ; float pressure(time, station) ; pressure:long_name = "Pressure reduced to MSL" ; pressure:units = "hPa" ; pressure:_FillValue = 1.e+38f ; float temperature(time, station) ; temperature:long_name = "Surface temperature" ; temperature:units = "kelvin" ; temperature:_FillValue = 1.e+38f ; float relHumidity(time, station) ; relHumidity:long_name = "Surface relative humidity" ; relHumidity:units = "percent" ; relHumidity:_FillValue = 1.e+38f ; float windSpeedSfc(time, station) ; windSpeedSfc:long_name = "Surface wind speed" ; windSpeedSfc:units = "meter/sec" ; windSpeedSfc:_FillValue = 1.e+38f ; windSpeedSfc:valid_min = -150.f ; windSpeedSfc:valid_max = 150.f ; float windDirSfc(time, station) ; windDirSfc:long_name = "Surface wind direction" ; windDirSfc:units = "degree" ; windDirSfc:_FillValue = 1.e+38f ; windDirSfc:valid_min = 0.f ; windDirSfc:valid_max = 360.f ; float rainRate(time, station) ; rainRate:long_name = "Rainfall rate - surface" ; rainRate:units = "kg/meter2/sec" ; rainRate:_FillValue = 1.e+38f ; char submode(time, station) ; submode:long_name = "NOAA wind profiler submode information" ; submode:valueA = "Wind profiler operating in submode A" ; submode:valueB = "Wind profiler operating in submode B" ; submode:valueM = "Missing data for station" ; float levels(level) ; levels:long_name = "Height above station" ; levels:units = "meter" ; levels:_FillValue = 1.e+38f ; levels:valid_min = 0.f ; levels:valid_max = 16250.f ; short levelMode(level) ; levelMode:long_name = "Wind profiler mode information" ; levelMode:value1 = "Data from low mode" ; levelMode:value2 = "Data from high mode" ; levelMode:value3 = "Missing" ; levelMode:level = "levels" ; levelMode:_FillValue = 3s ; float uComponent(time, station, level) ; uComponent:long_name = "u (eastward) component" ; uComponent:units = "meter/sec" ; uComponent:level = "levels" ; uComponent:_FillValue = 1.e+38f ; float vComponent(time, station, level) ; vComponent:long_name = "v (northward) component" ; vComponent:units = "meter/sec" ; vComponent:level = "levels" ; vComponent:_FillValue = 1.e+38f ; float wComponent(time, station, level) ; wComponent:long_name = "w (upward) component" ; wComponent:units = "meter/sec" ; wComponent:level = "levels" ; wComponent:_FillValue = 1.e+38f ; byte uvQualityCode(time, station, level) ; uvQualityCode:long_name = "NOAA wind profiler quality control test results for U and V" ; uvQualityCode:level = "levels" ; uvQualityCode:_FillValue = -1b ; uvQualityCode:reference = "Quality code bit table in global attributes section" ; byte wQualityCode(time, station, level) ; wQualityCode:long_name = "NOAA wind profiler quality control test results for W" ; wQualityCode:level = "levels" ; wQualityCode:_FillValue = -1b ; wQualityCode:reference = "Quality code bit table in global attributes section" ; float windSpeedStdDev(time, station, level) ; windSpeedStdDev:long_name = "Wind speed standard deviation" ; windSpeedStdDev:units = "meter/sec" ; windSpeedStdDev:level = "levels" ; windSpeedStdDev:_FillValue = 1.e+38f ; float wStdDev(time, station, level) ; wStdDev:long_name = "W standard deviation" ; wStdDev:units = "meter/sec" ; wStdDev:level = "levels" ; wStdDev:_FillValue = 1.e+38f ; char beamNames(beam, beamNameLen) ; beamNames:long_name = "Beam direction names" ; float azimBeam(station, beam) ; azimBeam:long_name = "Azimuth of beam" ; azimBeam:units = "degree" ; azimBeam:beam = "beamNames" ; azimBeam:_FillValue = 1.e+38f ; azimBeam:valid_min = 0.f ; azimBeam:valid_max = 360.f ; float elevBeam(station, beam) ; elevBeam:long_name = "Elevation of beam" ; elevBeam:units = "degree" ; elevBeam:beam = "beamNames" ; elevBeam:_FillValue = 1.e+38f ; elevBeam:valid_min = 0.f ; elevBeam:valid_max = 90.f ; byte momentsQualityCode(time, station, level, beam) ; momentsQualityCode:long_name = "NOAA wind profiler data quality control test results for moments" ; momentsQualityCode:level = "levels" ; momentsQualityCode:beam = "beamNames" ; momentsQualityCode:_FillValue = -1b ; momentsQualityCode:reference = "Quality code bit table in global attributes section" ; float consensusNum(time, station, level, beam) ; consensusNum:long_name = "Consensus number" ; consensusNum:level = "levels" ; consensusNum:beam = "beamNames" ; consensusNum:_FillValue = 1.e+38f ; float peakPower(time, station, level, beam) ; peakPower:long_name = "Spectral peak power" ; peakPower:units = "dB" ; peakPower:level = "levels" ; peakPower:beam = "beamNames" ; peakPower:_FillValue = 1.e+38f ; float radVelocity(time, station, level, beam) ; radVelocity:long_name = "Radial velocity" ; radVelocity:units = "meter/sec" ; radVelocity:level = "levels" ; radVelocity:beam = "beamNames" ; radVelocity:_FillValue = 1.e+38f ; float velocityVar(time, station, level, beam) ; velocityVar:long_name = "Velocity variance" ; velocityVar:units = "meter2/sec2" ; velocityVar:level = "levels" ; velocityVar:beam = "beamNames" ; velocityVar:_FillValue = 1.e+38f ; // global attributes: :Date = "Sat Nov 8 09:17:42 2014" ; :IDL_Version = "Coded in IDL (sparc / sunos / unix / 6.2)" ; :Version = "$State: process-xdc-sgpwpdn-7.0-5 $" ; :Command_Line = "wpdn_ingest -i 20141105 -type met60" ; :Input_Platforms = "sgp60fslwpdnmetX1.00" ; :data_organization = "irgrid" ; :data_level = "b1" ; :time_interval = "60 minutes" ; :Averaging_Information = "Data at time t refer to observations in the previous time_interval [t-time_interval,t]\n", "Hourly data is created from 6 minute data that meets consensus\n", "4 of the 10 time periods have to meet the consensus criteria to make hourly data\n", "Usually 9+ timperiods are used to create the hourly data\n", "The hourly data can come from 24 to 60 minutes of data in the hour." ; :height_resolution = "~320 m for low mode, ~900 m for high mode" ; :Height_Resolution_Information = "Gate heights are at the middle of the sample volume\n", "Low mode starts at 500 m AGL and ends at 9250 m AGL\n", "High mode starts at 7500 m AGL and ends at 16250 m AGL\n", "By default good low mode data is used in the overlap region." ; :WPDN_reference_URL = "" ; :WPDN_acquisition_information = "As of 5/19/2006, data is acquired via the Unidata Internet Data Distribution (IDD) network.\n", "For more information on the IDD network and data usage policy, please see" ; :missing_value = -9999.f ; :explanation_of_missing_value = "-9999 indicates that data is missing for the station from the raw file" ; :facility_id = "external" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :qc_method = "Quality Assurance pre-applied by FSL" ; :QC_Field_Information = "Quality code bits are set as follows\n", "=========================================\n", "qualityCodeNoBitsSet = Good\n", "qualityCodeBit1Set = Reserved\n", "qualityCodeBit2Set = Test results inconclusive\n", "qualityCodeBit3Set = Test B performed and failed\n", "qualityCodeBit4Set = Test A performed and failed\n", "qualityCodeBit5Set = Reserved\n", "qualityCodeBit6Set = Reserved\n", "qualityCodeBit7Set = Reserved\n", "qualityCodeBit8Set = Reserved\n", "qualityCodeBits1To8Set = Missing\n", "qualityCodeLeastSignificantBit = bit1" ; :zeb_platform = "sgp60fslwpdnmetX1.b1" ; }