netcdf sgp1bbhrpripbe370mcfarlaneC1.c1.20101230.000030 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1440 currently) level = 540 ; layer = 539 ; band_long = 16 ; band_short = 14 ; variables: int base_time ; base_time:string = "2010-12-30 00:00:00 0:00" ; base_time:long_name = "Base time in Epoch" ; base_time:units = "seconds since 1970-1-1 0:00:00 0:00" ; double time_offset(time) ; time_offset:long_name = "Time offset from base_time" ; time_offset:units = "seconds since 2010-12-30 00:00:00 0:00" ; double time(time) ; time:long_name = "Time offset from midnight" ; time:units = "seconds since 2010-12-30 00:00:00 0:00" ; float level(level) ; level:long_name = "heights at the boundaries of each RRTM layer" ; level:units = "mASL" ; float layer(layer) ; layer:long_name = "heights at the center of each RRTM layer" ; layer:units = "mASL" ; float start_wnum_long(band_long) ; start_wnum_long:long_name = "Wavenumber for start of longwave band" ; start_wnum_long:units = "cm-1" ; float end_wnum_long(band_long) ; end_wnum_long:long_name = "Wavenumber for end of longwave band" ; end_wnum_long:units = "cm-1" ; float start_wnum_short(band_short) ; start_wnum_short:long_name = "Wavenumber for start of shortwave band" ; start_wnum_short:units = "cm-1" ; float end_wnum_short(band_short) ; end_wnum_short:long_name = "Wavenumber for end of shortwave band" ; end_wnum_short:units = "cm-1" ; int cloud_flag(time) ; cloud_flag:long_name = "Cloud existence flag" ; cloud_flag:units = "unitless" ; cloud_flag:comment = "1 = cloud, 0 = no cloud" ; float trop_level(time) ; trop_level:long_name = "Pressure at tropopause level, calculated using RRTM model" ; trop_level:units = "mb" ; float long_heating_rate(time, layer) ; long_heating_rate:long_name = "Longwave heating rates over each layer, calculated using RRTM model" ; long_heating_rate:units = "deg/dy" ; long_heating_rate:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_long_heating_rate(time) ; qc_long_heating_rate:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave heating rates over each layer, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_long_heating_rate:units = "unitless" ; qc_long_heating_rate:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_long_heating_rate:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float short_heating_rate(time, layer) ; short_heating_rate:long_name = "Shortwave heating rates over each layer, calculated using RRTM model" ; short_heating_rate:units = "deg/dy" ; short_heating_rate:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_short_heating_rate(time) ; qc_short_heating_rate:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave heating rates over each layer, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_short_heating_rate:units = "unitless" ; qc_short_heating_rate:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_short_heating_rate:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float up_long_flux(time, level) ; up_long_flux:long_name = "Longwave upwelling flux at each level, calculated using RRTM model" ; up_long_flux:units = "W/m2" ; up_long_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_up_long_flux(time) ; qc_up_long_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave upwelling flux at each level, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_up_long_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_up_long_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_up_long_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float down_long_flux(time, level) ; down_long_flux:long_name = "Longwave downwelling flux at each level, calculated using RRTM model" ; down_long_flux:units = "W/m2" ; down_long_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_down_long_flux(time) ; qc_down_long_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave downwelling flux at each level, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_down_long_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_down_long_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_down_long_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float net_long_flux(time, level) ; net_long_flux:long_name = "Longwave net flux at each level, calculated using RRTM model" ; net_long_flux:units = "W/m2" ; net_long_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; net_long_flux:comment = "net flux = upward - downward flux" ; int qc_net_long_flux(time) ; qc_net_long_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave net flux at each level, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_net_long_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_net_long_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_net_long_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float up_short_flux(time, level) ; up_short_flux:long_name = "Shortwave upwelling flux at each level, calculated using RRTM model" ; up_short_flux:units = "W/m2" ; up_short_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_up_short_flux(time) ; qc_up_short_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave upwelling flux at each level, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_up_short_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_up_short_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_up_short_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float down_short_diffuse_flux(time, level) ; down_short_diffuse_flux:long_name = "Shortwave diffuse downward flux at each level, calculated using RRTM model" ; down_short_diffuse_flux:units = "W/m2" ; down_short_diffuse_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_down_short_diffuse_flux(time) ; qc_down_short_diffuse_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave diffuse downward flux at each level, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_down_short_diffuse_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_down_short_diffuse_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_down_short_diffuse_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float down_short_direct_horiz_flux(time, level) ; down_short_direct_horiz_flux:long_name = "Shortwave direct horizontal flux at each level, calculated using RRTM model" ; down_short_direct_horiz_flux:units = "W/m2" ; down_short_direct_horiz_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_down_short_direct_horiz_flux(time) ; qc_down_short_direct_horiz_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave direct horizontal flux at each level, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_down_short_direct_horiz_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_down_short_direct_horiz_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_down_short_direct_horiz_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float down_short_flux(time, level) ; down_short_flux:long_name = "Shortwave total downward flux at each level, calculated using RRTM model" ; down_short_flux:units = "W/m2" ; down_short_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; down_short_flux:comment = "total flux = diffuse + direct horizontal" ; int qc_down_short_flux(time) ; qc_down_short_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave total downward flux at each level, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_down_short_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_down_short_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_down_short_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float net_short_flux(time, level) ; net_short_flux:long_name = "Shortwave net flux at each level, calculated using RRTM model" ; net_short_flux:units = "W/m2" ; net_short_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; net_short_flux:comment = "net flux = total downward - upward flux" ; int qc_net_short_flux(time) ; qc_net_short_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave net flux at each level, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_net_short_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_net_short_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_net_short_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float down_long_surf_flux(time) ; down_long_surf_flux:long_name = "Longwave downwelling flux at surface, calculated using RRTM model" ; down_long_surf_flux:units = "W/m2" ; down_long_surf_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_down_long_surf_flux(time) ; qc_down_long_surf_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave downwelling flux at surface, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_down_long_surf_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_down_long_surf_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_down_long_surf_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float up_long_surf_flux(time) ; up_long_surf_flux:long_name = "Longwave upwelling flux at surface, calculated using RRTM model" ; up_long_surf_flux:units = "W/m2" ; up_long_surf_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_up_long_surf_flux(time) ; qc_up_long_surf_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave upwelling flux at surface, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_up_long_surf_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_up_long_surf_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_up_long_surf_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float net_long_surf_flux(time) ; net_long_surf_flux:long_name = "Longwave net flux at surface, calculated using RRTM model" ; net_long_surf_flux:units = "W/m2" ; net_long_surf_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; net_long_surf_flux:comment = "net flux = upward - downward flux" ; int qc_net_long_surf_flux(time) ; qc_net_long_surf_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave net flux at surface, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_net_long_surf_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_net_long_surf_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_net_long_surf_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float up_short_surf_flux(time) ; up_short_surf_flux:long_name = "Shortwave upwelling flux at surface, calculated using RRTM model" ; up_short_surf_flux:units = "W/m2" ; up_short_surf_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_up_short_surf_flux(time) ; qc_up_short_surf_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave upwelling flux at surface, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_up_short_surf_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_up_short_surf_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_up_short_surf_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux(time) ; down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux:long_name = "Shortwave direct normal flux at surface, calculated using RRTM model" ; down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux:units = "W/m2" ; down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux(time) ; qc_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave direct normal flux at surface, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux(time) ; down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux:long_name = "Shortwave direct horizontal flux at surface, calculated using RRTM model" ; down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux:units = "W/m2" ; down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux:comment = "direct horiz = direct norm * cos(zenith)" ; int qc_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux(time) ; qc_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave direct horizontal flux at surface, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float down_short_diffuse_surf_flux(time) ; down_short_diffuse_surf_flux:long_name = "Shortwave diffuse flux at surface, calculated using RRTM model" ; down_short_diffuse_surf_flux:units = "W/m2" ; down_short_diffuse_surf_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux(time) ; qc_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave diffuse flux at surface, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float down_short_surf_flux(time) ; down_short_surf_flux:long_name = "Shortwave total downward flux at surface, calculated using RRTM model" ; down_short_surf_flux:units = "W/m2" ; down_short_surf_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; down_short_surf_flux:comment = "total flux = diffuse + direct horizontal" ; int qc_down_short_surf_flux(time) ; qc_down_short_surf_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave total downward flux at surface, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_down_short_surf_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_down_short_surf_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_down_short_surf_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float net_short_surf_flux(time) ; net_short_surf_flux:long_name = "Shortwave net flux at surface, calculated using RRTM model" ; net_short_surf_flux:units = "W/m2" ; net_short_surf_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; net_short_surf_flux:comment = "net flux = total downward - upward flux" ; int qc_net_short_surf_flux(time) ; qc_net_short_surf_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave net flux at surface, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_net_short_surf_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_net_short_surf_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_net_short_surf_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float up_long_toa_flux(time) ; up_long_toa_flux:long_name = "Longwave upwelling flux at TOA, calculated using RRTM model" ; up_long_toa_flux:units = "W/m2" ; up_long_toa_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_up_long_toa_flux(time) ; qc_up_long_toa_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave upwelling flux at TOA, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_up_long_toa_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_up_long_toa_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_up_long_toa_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float down_long_toa_flux(time) ; down_long_toa_flux:long_name = "Longwave downwelling flux at TOA, calculated using RRTM model" ; down_long_toa_flux:units = "W/m2" ; down_long_toa_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_down_long_toa_flux(time) ; qc_down_long_toa_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave downwelling flux at TOA, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_down_long_toa_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_down_long_toa_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_down_long_toa_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float net_long_toa_flux(time) ; net_long_toa_flux:long_name = "Longwave net flux at TOA, calculated using RRTM model" ; net_long_toa_flux:units = "W/m2" ; net_long_toa_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; net_long_toa_flux:comment = "net flux = upward flux - downward flux" ; int qc_net_long_toa_flux(time) ; qc_net_long_toa_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave net flux at TOA, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_net_long_toa_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_net_long_toa_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_net_long_toa_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float up_short_toa_flux(time) ; up_short_toa_flux:long_name = "Shortwave upwelling flux at TOA, calculated using RRTM model" ; up_short_toa_flux:units = "W/m2" ; up_short_toa_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_up_short_toa_flux(time) ; qc_up_short_toa_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave upwelling flux at TOA, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_up_short_toa_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_up_short_toa_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_up_short_toa_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float down_short_toa_flux(time) ; down_short_toa_flux:long_name = "Shortwave downwelling flux at TOA, calculated using RRTM model" ; down_short_toa_flux:units = "W/m2" ; down_short_toa_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_down_short_toa_flux(time) ; qc_down_short_toa_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave downwelling flux at TOA, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_down_short_toa_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_down_short_toa_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_down_short_toa_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float net_short_toa_flux(time) ; net_short_toa_flux:long_name = "Shortwave net flux at TOA, calculated using RRTM model" ; net_short_toa_flux:units = "W/m2" ; net_short_toa_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; net_short_toa_flux:comment = "net flux = downward flux - upward flux" ; int qc_net_short_toa_flux(time) ; qc_net_short_toa_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave net flux at TOA, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_net_short_toa_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_net_short_toa_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_net_short_toa_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_long_heating_rate(time, layer) ; clear_long_heating_rate:long_name = "Longwave heating rates over each layer, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_long_heating_rate:units = "deg/dy" ; clear_long_heating_rate:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_long_heating_rate(time) ; qc_clear_long_heating_rate:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave heating rates over each layer, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_long_heating_rate:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_long_heating_rate:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_long_heating_rate:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_short_heating_rate(time, layer) ; clear_short_heating_rate:long_name = "Shortwave heating rates over each layer, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_short_heating_rate:units = "deg/dy" ; clear_short_heating_rate:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_short_heating_rate(time) ; qc_clear_short_heating_rate:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave heating rates over each layer, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_short_heating_rate:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_short_heating_rate:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_short_heating_rate:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_up_long_flux(time, level) ; clear_up_long_flux:long_name = "Longwave upwelling flux at each level, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_up_long_flux:units = "W/m2" ; clear_up_long_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_up_long_flux(time) ; qc_clear_up_long_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave upwelling flux at each level, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_up_long_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_up_long_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_up_long_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_down_long_flux(time, level) ; clear_down_long_flux:long_name = "Longwave downwelling flux at each level, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_down_long_flux:units = "W/m2" ; clear_down_long_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_down_long_flux(time) ; qc_clear_down_long_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave downwelling flux at each level, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_down_long_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_down_long_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_down_long_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_net_long_flux(time, level) ; clear_net_long_flux:long_name = "Longwave net flux at each level, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_net_long_flux:units = "W/m2" ; clear_net_long_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; clear_net_long_flux:comment = "net flux = upward - downward flux" ; int qc_clear_net_long_flux(time) ; qc_clear_net_long_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave net flux at each level, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_net_long_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_net_long_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_net_long_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_up_short_flux(time, level) ; clear_up_short_flux:long_name = "Shortwave upwelling flux at each level, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_up_short_flux:units = "W/m2" ; clear_up_short_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_up_short_flux(time) ; qc_clear_up_short_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave upwelling flux at each level, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_up_short_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_up_short_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_up_short_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_down_short_diffuse_flux(time, level) ; clear_down_short_diffuse_flux:long_name = "Shortwave diffuse downward flux at each level, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_down_short_diffuse_flux:units = "W/m2" ; clear_down_short_diffuse_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_down_short_diffuse_flux(time) ; qc_clear_down_short_diffuse_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave diffuse downward flux at each level, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_down_short_diffuse_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_down_short_diffuse_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_down_short_diffuse_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_down_short_direct_horiz_flux(time, level) ; clear_down_short_direct_horiz_flux:long_name = "Shortwave direct horizontal flux at each level, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_down_short_direct_horiz_flux:units = "W/m2" ; clear_down_short_direct_horiz_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_down_short_direct_horiz_flux(time) ; qc_clear_down_short_direct_horiz_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave direct horizontal flux at each level, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_down_short_direct_horiz_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_down_short_direct_horiz_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_down_short_direct_horiz_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_down_short_flux(time, level) ; clear_down_short_flux:long_name = "Shortwave total downward flux at each level, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_down_short_flux:units = "W/m2" ; clear_down_short_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; clear_down_short_flux:comment = "total flux = diffuse + direct horizontal" ; int qc_clear_down_short_flux(time) ; qc_clear_down_short_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave total downward flux at each level, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_down_short_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_down_short_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_down_short_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_net_short_flux(time, level) ; clear_net_short_flux:long_name = "Shortwave net flux at each level, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_net_short_flux:units = "W/m2" ; clear_net_short_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; clear_net_short_flux:comment = "net flux = total downward - upward flux" ; int qc_clear_net_short_flux(time) ; qc_clear_net_short_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave net flux at each level, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_net_short_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_net_short_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_net_short_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_down_long_surf_flux(time) ; clear_down_long_surf_flux:long_name = "Longwave downwelling flux at surface, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_down_long_surf_flux:units = "W/m2" ; clear_down_long_surf_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_down_long_surf_flux(time) ; qc_clear_down_long_surf_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave downwelling flux at surface, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_down_long_surf_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_down_long_surf_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_down_long_surf_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_up_long_surf_flux(time) ; clear_up_long_surf_flux:long_name = "Longwave upwelling flux at surface, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_up_long_surf_flux:units = "W/m2" ; clear_up_long_surf_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_up_long_surf_flux(time) ; qc_clear_up_long_surf_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave upwelling flux at surface, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_up_long_surf_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_up_long_surf_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_up_long_surf_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_net_long_surf_flux(time) ; clear_net_long_surf_flux:long_name = "Longwave net flux at surface, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_net_long_surf_flux:units = "W/m2" ; clear_net_long_surf_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; clear_net_long_surf_flux:comment = "net flux = upward - downward flux" ; int qc_clear_net_long_surf_flux(time) ; qc_clear_net_long_surf_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave net flux at surface, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_net_long_surf_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_net_long_surf_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_net_long_surf_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_up_short_surf_flux(time) ; clear_up_short_surf_flux:long_name = "Shortwave upwelling flux at surface, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_up_short_surf_flux:units = "W/m2" ; clear_up_short_surf_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_up_short_surf_flux(time) ; qc_clear_up_short_surf_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave upwelling flux at surface, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_up_short_surf_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_up_short_surf_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_up_short_surf_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux(time) ; clear_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux:long_name = "Shortwave direct normal flux at surface, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux:units = "W/m2" ; clear_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux(time) ; qc_clear_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave direct normal flux at surface, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux(time) ; clear_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux:long_name = "Shortwave direct horizontal flux at surface, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux:units = "W/m2" ; clear_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; clear_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux:comment = "direct horiz = direct norm * cos(zenith)" ; int qc_clear_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux(time) ; qc_clear_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave direct horizontal flux at surface, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux(time) ; clear_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux:long_name = "Shortwave diffuse flux at surface, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux:units = "W/m2" ; clear_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux(time) ; qc_clear_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave diffuse flux at surface, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_down_short_surf_flux(time) ; clear_down_short_surf_flux:long_name = "Shortwave total downward flux at surface, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_down_short_surf_flux:units = "W/m2" ; clear_down_short_surf_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; clear_down_short_surf_flux:comment = "total flux = diffuse + direct horizontal" ; int qc_clear_down_short_surf_flux(time) ; qc_clear_down_short_surf_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave total downward flux at surface, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_down_short_surf_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_down_short_surf_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_down_short_surf_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_net_short_surf_flux(time) ; clear_net_short_surf_flux:long_name = "Shortwave net flux at surface, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_net_short_surf_flux:units = "W/m2" ; clear_net_short_surf_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; clear_net_short_surf_flux:comment = "net flux = total downward - upward flux" ; int qc_clear_net_short_surf_flux(time) ; qc_clear_net_short_surf_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave net flux at surface, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_net_short_surf_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_net_short_surf_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_net_short_surf_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_up_long_toa_flux(time) ; clear_up_long_toa_flux:long_name = "Longwave upwelling flux at TOA, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_up_long_toa_flux:units = "W/m2" ; clear_up_long_toa_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_up_long_toa_flux(time) ; qc_clear_up_long_toa_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave upwelling flux at TOA, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_up_long_toa_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_up_long_toa_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_up_long_toa_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_down_long_toa_flux(time) ; clear_down_long_toa_flux:long_name = "Longwave downwelling flux at TOA, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_down_long_toa_flux:units = "W/m2" ; clear_down_long_toa_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_down_long_toa_flux(time) ; qc_clear_down_long_toa_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave downwelling flux at TOA, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_down_long_toa_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_down_long_toa_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_down_long_toa_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_net_long_toa_flux(time) ; clear_net_long_toa_flux:long_name = "Longwave net flux at TOA, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_net_long_toa_flux:units = "W/m2" ; clear_net_long_toa_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; clear_net_long_toa_flux:comment = "net flux = upward flux - downward flux" ; int qc_clear_net_long_toa_flux(time) ; qc_clear_net_long_toa_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave net flux at TOA, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_net_long_toa_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_net_long_toa_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_net_long_toa_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_up_short_toa_flux(time) ; clear_up_short_toa_flux:long_name = "Shortwave upwelling flux at TOA, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_up_short_toa_flux:units = "W/m2" ; clear_up_short_toa_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_up_short_toa_flux(time) ; qc_clear_up_short_toa_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave upwelling flux at TOA, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_up_short_toa_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_up_short_toa_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_up_short_toa_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_down_short_toa_flux(time) ; clear_down_short_toa_flux:long_name = "Shortwave downwelling flux at TOA, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_down_short_toa_flux:units = "W/m2" ; clear_down_short_toa_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_down_short_toa_flux(time) ; qc_clear_down_short_toa_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave downwelling flux at TOA, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_down_short_toa_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_down_short_toa_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_down_short_toa_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_net_short_toa_flux(time) ; clear_net_short_toa_flux:long_name = "Shortwave net flux at TOA, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_net_short_toa_flux:units = "W/m2" ; clear_net_short_toa_flux:missing_value = -9999.f ; clear_net_short_toa_flux:comment = "net flux = downward flux - upward flux" ; int qc_clear_net_short_toa_flux(time) ; qc_clear_net_short_toa_flux:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave net flux at TOA, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_net_short_toa_flux:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_net_short_toa_flux:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_net_short_toa_flux:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float up_short_surf_flux_band(time, band_short) ; up_short_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave upwelling flux at surface for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; up_short_surf_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; up_short_surf_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_up_short_surf_flux_band(time) ; qc_up_short_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave upwelling flux at surface for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_up_short_surf_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_up_short_surf_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_up_short_surf_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux_band(time, band_short) ; down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave direct normal flux at surface for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux_band(time) ; qc_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave direct normal flux at surface for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux_band(time, band_short) ; down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave direct horizontal flux at surface for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux_band(time) ; qc_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave direct horizontal flux at surface for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float down_short_diffuse_surf_flux_band(time, band_short) ; down_short_diffuse_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave diffuse flux at surface for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; down_short_diffuse_surf_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; down_short_diffuse_surf_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux_band(time) ; qc_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave diffuse flux at surface for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float down_short_surf_flux_band(time, band_short) ; down_short_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave total downwelling flux at surface for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; down_short_surf_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; down_short_surf_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_down_short_surf_flux_band(time) ; qc_down_short_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave total downwelling flux at surface for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_down_short_surf_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_down_short_surf_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_down_short_surf_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float net_short_surf_flux_band(time, band_short) ; net_short_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave net flux at surface for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; net_short_surf_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; net_short_surf_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; net_short_surf_flux_band:comment = "net flux = downward flux - upward flux" ; int qc_net_short_surf_flux_band(time) ; qc_net_short_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave net flux at surface for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_net_short_surf_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_net_short_surf_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_net_short_surf_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float up_short_toa_flux_band(time, band_short) ; up_short_toa_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave upwelling flux at TOA for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; up_short_toa_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; up_short_toa_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_up_short_toa_flux_band(time) ; qc_up_short_toa_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave upwelling flux at TOA for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_up_short_toa_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_up_short_toa_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_up_short_toa_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float down_short_toa_flux_band(time, band_short) ; down_short_toa_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave downwelling flux at TOA for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; down_short_toa_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; down_short_toa_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_down_short_toa_flux_band(time) ; qc_down_short_toa_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave downwelling flux at TOA for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_down_short_toa_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_down_short_toa_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_down_short_toa_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float net_short_toa_flux_band(time, band_short) ; net_short_toa_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave net flux at TOA for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; net_short_toa_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; net_short_toa_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; net_short_toa_flux_band:comment = "net flux = downward flux - upward flux" ; int qc_net_short_toa_flux_band(time) ; qc_net_short_toa_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave net flux at TOA for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_net_short_toa_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_net_short_toa_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_net_short_toa_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float up_short_trop_flux_band(time, band_short) ; up_short_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave upwelling flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; up_short_trop_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; up_short_trop_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_up_short_trop_flux_band(time) ; qc_up_short_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave upwelling flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_up_short_trop_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_up_short_trop_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_up_short_trop_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float down_short_direct_horiz_trop_flux_band(time, band_short) ; down_short_direct_horiz_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave direct horizontal flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; down_short_direct_horiz_trop_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; down_short_direct_horiz_trop_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_down_short_direct_horiz_trop_flux_band(time) ; qc_down_short_direct_horiz_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave direct horizontal flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_down_short_direct_horiz_trop_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_down_short_direct_horiz_trop_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_down_short_direct_horiz_trop_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float down_short_diffuse_trop_flux_band(time, band_short) ; down_short_diffuse_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave diffuse flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; down_short_diffuse_trop_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; down_short_diffuse_trop_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_down_short_diffuse_trop_flux_band(time) ; qc_down_short_diffuse_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave diffuse flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_down_short_diffuse_trop_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_down_short_diffuse_trop_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_down_short_diffuse_trop_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float down_short_trop_flux_band(time, band_short) ; down_short_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave downwelling flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; down_short_trop_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; down_short_trop_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_down_short_trop_flux_band(time) ; qc_down_short_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave downwelling flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_down_short_trop_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_down_short_trop_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_down_short_trop_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float net_short_trop_flux_band(time, band_short) ; net_short_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave net flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; net_short_trop_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; net_short_trop_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; net_short_trop_flux_band:comment = "net flux = downward flux - upward flux" ; int qc_net_short_trop_flux_band(time) ; qc_net_short_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave net flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_net_short_trop_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_net_short_trop_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_net_short_trop_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float up_long_surf_flux_band(time, band_long) ; up_long_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Longwave upwelling flux at surface for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; up_long_surf_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; up_long_surf_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_up_long_surf_flux_band(time) ; qc_up_long_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave upwelling flux at surface for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_up_long_surf_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_up_long_surf_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_up_long_surf_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float down_long_surf_flux_band(time, band_long) ; down_long_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Longwave downwelling flux at surface for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; down_long_surf_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; down_long_surf_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_down_long_surf_flux_band(time) ; qc_down_long_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave downwelling flux at surface for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_down_long_surf_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_down_long_surf_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_down_long_surf_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float net_long_surf_flux_band(time, band_long) ; net_long_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Longwave net flux at surface for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; net_long_surf_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; net_long_surf_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; net_long_surf_flux_band:comment = "net flux = upward - downward flux" ; int qc_net_long_surf_flux_band(time) ; qc_net_long_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave net flux at surface for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_net_long_surf_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_net_long_surf_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_net_long_surf_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float up_long_toa_flux_band(time, band_long) ; up_long_toa_flux_band:long_name = "Longwave upwelling flux at TOA for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; up_long_toa_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; up_long_toa_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_up_long_toa_flux_band(time) ; qc_up_long_toa_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave upwelling flux at TOA for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_up_long_toa_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_up_long_toa_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_up_long_toa_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float down_long_toa_flux_band(time, band_long) ; down_long_toa_flux_band:long_name = "Longwave downwelling flux at TOA for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; down_long_toa_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; down_long_toa_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_down_long_toa_flux_band(time) ; qc_down_long_toa_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave downwelling flux at TOA for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_down_long_toa_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_down_long_toa_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_down_long_toa_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float net_long_toa_flux_band(time, band_long) ; net_long_toa_flux_band:long_name = "Longwave net flux at TOA for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; net_long_toa_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; net_long_toa_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; net_long_toa_flux_band:comment = "net flux = upward - downward flux" ; int qc_net_long_toa_flux_band(time) ; qc_net_long_toa_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave net flux at TOA for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_net_long_toa_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_net_long_toa_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_net_long_toa_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float up_long_trop_flux_band(time, band_long) ; up_long_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Longwave upwelling flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; up_long_trop_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; up_long_trop_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_up_long_trop_flux_band(time) ; qc_up_long_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave upwelling flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_up_long_trop_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_up_long_trop_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_up_long_trop_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float down_long_trop_flux_band(time, band_long) ; down_long_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Longwave downwelling flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; down_long_trop_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; down_long_trop_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_down_long_trop_flux_band(time) ; qc_down_long_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave downwelling flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_down_long_trop_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_down_long_trop_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_down_long_trop_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float net_long_trop_flux_band(time, band_long) ; net_long_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Longwave net flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; net_long_trop_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; net_long_trop_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; net_long_trop_flux_band:comment = "net flux = upward - downward flux" ; int qc_net_long_trop_flux_band(time) ; qc_net_long_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave net flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_net_long_trop_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_net_long_trop_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_net_long_trop_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_up_short_surf_flux_band(time, band_short) ; clear_up_short_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave upwelling flux at surface for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_up_short_surf_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; clear_up_short_surf_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_up_short_surf_flux_band(time) ; qc_clear_up_short_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave upwelling flux at surface for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_up_short_surf_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_up_short_surf_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_up_short_surf_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux_band(time, band_short) ; clear_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave direct normal flux at surface for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; clear_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux_band(time) ; qc_clear_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave direct normal flux at surface for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_down_short_direct_normal_surf_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux_band(time, band_short) ; clear_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave direct horizontal flux at surface for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; clear_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux_band(time) ; qc_clear_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave direct horizontal flux at surface for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_down_short_direct_horiz_surf_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux_band(time, band_short) ; clear_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave diffuse flux at surface for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; clear_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux_band(time) ; qc_clear_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave diffuse flux at surface for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_down_short_diffuse_surf_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_down_short_surf_flux_band(time, band_short) ; clear_down_short_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave total downwelling flux at surface for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_down_short_surf_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; clear_down_short_surf_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_down_short_surf_flux_band(time) ; qc_clear_down_short_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave total downwelling flux at surface for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_down_short_surf_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_down_short_surf_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_down_short_surf_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_net_short_surf_flux_band(time, band_short) ; clear_net_short_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave net flux at surface for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_net_short_surf_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; clear_net_short_surf_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; clear_net_short_surf_flux_band:comment = "net flux = downward flux - upward flux" ; int qc_clear_net_short_surf_flux_band(time) ; qc_clear_net_short_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave net flux at surface for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_net_short_surf_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_net_short_surf_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_net_short_surf_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_up_short_toa_flux_band(time, band_short) ; clear_up_short_toa_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave upwelling flux at TOA for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_up_short_toa_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; clear_up_short_toa_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_up_short_toa_flux_band(time) ; qc_clear_up_short_toa_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave upwelling flux at TOA for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_up_short_toa_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_up_short_toa_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_up_short_toa_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_down_short_toa_flux_band(time, band_short) ; clear_down_short_toa_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave downwelling flux at TOA for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_down_short_toa_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; clear_down_short_toa_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_down_short_toa_flux_band(time) ; qc_clear_down_short_toa_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave downwelling flux at TOA for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_down_short_toa_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_down_short_toa_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_down_short_toa_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_net_short_toa_flux_band(time, band_short) ; clear_net_short_toa_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave net flux at TOA for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_net_short_toa_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; clear_net_short_toa_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; clear_net_short_toa_flux_band:comment = "net flux = downward flux - upward flux" ; int qc_clear_net_short_toa_flux_band(time) ; qc_clear_net_short_toa_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave net flux at TOA for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_net_short_toa_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_net_short_toa_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_net_short_toa_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_up_short_trop_flux_band(time, band_short) ; clear_up_short_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave upwelling flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_up_short_trop_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; clear_up_short_trop_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_up_short_trop_flux_band(time) ; qc_clear_up_short_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave upwelling flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_up_short_trop_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_up_short_trop_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_up_short_trop_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_down_short_direct_horiz_trop_flux_band(time, band_short) ; clear_down_short_direct_horiz_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave direct horizontal flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_down_short_direct_horiz_trop_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; clear_down_short_direct_horiz_trop_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_down_short_direct_horiz_trop_flux_band(time) ; qc_clear_down_short_direct_horiz_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave direct horizontal flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_down_short_direct_horiz_trop_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_down_short_direct_horiz_trop_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_down_short_direct_horiz_trop_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_down_short_diffuse_trop_flux_band(time, band_short) ; clear_down_short_diffuse_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave diffuse flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_down_short_diffuse_trop_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; clear_down_short_diffuse_trop_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_down_short_diffuse_trop_flux_band(time) ; qc_clear_down_short_diffuse_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave diffuse flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_down_short_diffuse_trop_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_down_short_diffuse_trop_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_down_short_diffuse_trop_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_down_short_trop_flux_band(time, band_short) ; clear_down_short_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave downwelling flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_down_short_trop_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; clear_down_short_trop_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_down_short_trop_flux_band(time) ; qc_clear_down_short_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave downwelling flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_down_short_trop_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_down_short_trop_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_down_short_trop_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_net_short_trop_flux_band(time, band_short) ; clear_net_short_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Shortwave net flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_net_short_trop_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; clear_net_short_trop_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; clear_net_short_trop_flux_band:comment = "net flux = downward flux - upward flux" ; int qc_clear_net_short_trop_flux_band(time) ; qc_clear_net_short_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Shortwave net flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_net_short_trop_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_net_short_trop_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_net_short_trop_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_up_long_surf_flux_band(time, band_long) ; clear_up_long_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Longwave upwelling flux at surface for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_up_long_surf_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; clear_up_long_surf_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_up_long_surf_flux_band(time) ; qc_clear_up_long_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave upwelling flux at surface for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_up_long_surf_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_up_long_surf_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_up_long_surf_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_down_long_surf_flux_band(time, band_long) ; clear_down_long_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Longwave downwelling flux at surface for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_down_long_surf_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; clear_down_long_surf_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_down_long_surf_flux_band(time) ; qc_clear_down_long_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave downwelling flux at surface for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_down_long_surf_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_down_long_surf_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_down_long_surf_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_net_long_surf_flux_band(time, band_long) ; clear_net_long_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Longwave net flux at surface for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_net_long_surf_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; clear_net_long_surf_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; clear_net_long_surf_flux_band:comment = "net flux = upward - downward flux" ; int qc_clear_net_long_surf_flux_band(time) ; qc_clear_net_long_surf_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave net flux at surface for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_net_long_surf_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_net_long_surf_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_net_long_surf_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_up_long_toa_flux_band(time, band_long) ; clear_up_long_toa_flux_band:long_name = "Longwave upwelling flux at TOA for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_up_long_toa_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; clear_up_long_toa_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_up_long_toa_flux_band(time) ; qc_clear_up_long_toa_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave upwelling flux at TOA for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_up_long_toa_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_up_long_toa_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_up_long_toa_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_down_long_toa_flux_band(time, band_long) ; clear_down_long_toa_flux_band:long_name = "Longwave downwelling flux at TOA for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_down_long_toa_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; clear_down_long_toa_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_down_long_toa_flux_band(time) ; qc_clear_down_long_toa_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave downwelling flux at TOA for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_down_long_toa_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_down_long_toa_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_down_long_toa_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_net_long_toa_flux_band(time, band_long) ; clear_net_long_toa_flux_band:long_name = "Longwave net flux at TOA for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_net_long_toa_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; clear_net_long_toa_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; clear_net_long_toa_flux_band:comment = "net flux = upward - downward flux" ; int qc_clear_net_long_toa_flux_band(time) ; qc_clear_net_long_toa_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave net flux at TOA for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_net_long_toa_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_net_long_toa_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_net_long_toa_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_up_long_trop_flux_band(time, band_long) ; clear_up_long_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Longwave upwelling flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_up_long_trop_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; clear_up_long_trop_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_up_long_trop_flux_band(time) ; qc_clear_up_long_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave upwelling flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_up_long_trop_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_up_long_trop_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_up_long_trop_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_down_long_trop_flux_band(time, band_long) ; clear_down_long_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Longwave downwelling flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_down_long_trop_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; clear_down_long_trop_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_clear_down_long_trop_flux_band(time) ; qc_clear_down_long_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave downwelling flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_down_long_trop_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_down_long_trop_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_down_long_trop_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; float clear_net_long_trop_flux_band(time, band_long) ; clear_net_long_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Longwave net flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; clear_net_long_trop_flux_band:units = "W/m2" ; clear_net_long_trop_flux_band:missing_value = -9999.f ; clear_net_long_trop_flux_band:comment = "net flux = upward - downward flux" ; int qc_clear_net_long_trop_flux_band(time) ; qc_clear_net_long_trop_flux_band:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Longwave net flux at tropopause for each RRTM band, clear sky run, calculated using RRTM model" ; qc_clear_net_long_trop_flux_band:units = "unitless" ; qc_clear_net_long_trop_flux_band:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; qc_clear_net_long_trop_flux_band:qc_bit_description = "See global attributes for QC bit descriptions and assessments" ; int aqc_bad_input_fields(time) ; aqc_bad_input_fields:long_name = "Bit-packed list of input fields that have qc status Bad" ; aqc_bad_input_fields:units = "unitless" ; aqc_bad_input_fields:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; int aqc_indeterminate_input_fields(time) ; aqc_indeterminate_input_fields:long_name = "Bit-packed list of input fields that have qc status Indeterminate" ; aqc_indeterminate_input_fields:units = "unitless" ; aqc_indeterminate_input_fields:description = "See global attributes for individual bit descriptions." ; float lat ; lat:long_name = "North latitude" ; lat:units = "degree_N" ; lat:valid_min = -90.f ; lat:valid_max = 90.f ; float lon ; lon:long_name = "East longitude" ; lon:units = "degree_E" ; lon:valid_min = -180.f ; lon:valid_max = 180.f ; float alt ; alt:long_name = "Altitude above mean sea level" ; alt:units = "m" ; // global attributes: :command_line = "bbhrp_ripbe_vap -n bbhrp_co2_370 -R -D 3 -s sgp -f C1 -b 20101230 -e 20101231" ; :process_version = "$" ; :dod_version = "1bbhrpripbe370mcfarlane-c1-0.0" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1: Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :input_datastreams = "sgpripbe370mcfarlaneC1.c1 : 1.0 : 20101230.000030" ; :input_datastreams_num = 1 ; :input_datastreams_description = "A string consisting of the datastream(s), datastream version(s), and datastream date (range)." ; :qc_standards_version = "1.0" ; :qc_bit_1_description = "One or more RIPBE inputs had aqc_flag = bad" ; :qc_bit_1_assessment = "Bad" ; :qc_bit_2_description = "RIPBE atmos state input had aqc_flag = Indeterminate" ; :qc_bit_2_assessment = "Indeterminate" ; :qc_bit_3_description = "RIPBE cloud input had aqc_flag = Indeterminate" ; :qc_bit_3_assessment = "Indeterminate" ; :qc_bit_4_description = "RIPBE aerosol input had aqc_flag = Indeterminate" ; :qc_bit_4_assessment = "Indeterminate" ; :qc_bit_5_description = "RIPBE species input had aqc_flag = Indeterminate" ; :qc_bit_5_assessment = "Indeterminate" ; :qc_bit_6_description = "RIPBE sfcalb input had aqc_flag = Indeterminate" ; :qc_bit_6_assessment = "Indeterminate" ; :qc_bit_7_description = "RIPBE surface rad temp input had aqc_flag = Indeterminate" ; :qc_bit_7_assessment = "Indeterminate" ; :qc_bit_8_description = "RIPBE aerosol input had no non-zero extinction layers" ; :qc_bit_8_assessment = "Indeterminate" ; :qc_bit_9_description = "RRTM run generated a runtime error or warning" ; :qc_bit_9_assessment = "Indeterminate" ; :qc_bit_10_description = "RRTM failed to produce valid output" ; :qc_bit_10_assessment = "Bad" ; :qc_bit_11_description = "RRTM output missing band information" ; :qc_bit_11_assessment = "Bad" ; :qc_bit_12_description = "Disort beam-angle error; RRTM rerun with nstreams=16" ; :qc_bit_12_assessment = "Indeterminate" ; :history = "created by user d3a230 on machine node0114.local at 2014-11-04 03:54:20, using $" ; }