netcdf epcarmtrajcldM1.c1.20240214.000000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) vert_layer = 10 ; trajectory_time = 121 ; trajectory_type = 2 ; time_dim_sonde = 10000 ; variables: int vert_layer(vert_layer) ; vert_layer:long_name = "Vertical layer index (bottom-up)" ; vert_layer:units = "1" ; int trajectory_time(trajectory_time) ; trajectory_time:long_name = "Trajectory offset from start time (0 h)" ; trajectory_time:units = "h" ; int trajectory_type(trajectory_type) ; trajectory_type:long_name = "-1 - back trajectories, 1 - fwd trajectories" ; trajectory_type:units = "1" ; double date(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time) ; date:_FillValue = -9999. ; date:long_name = "Trajectory date per trajectory type and time step" ; date:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01" ; double latitude(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; latitude:_FillValue = -9999. ; latitude:long_name = "Airmass latitude" ; latitude:units = "degree_N" ; latitude:standard_name = "grid_latitude" ; double longitude(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; longitude:_FillValue = -9999. ; longitude:long_name = "Airmass longitude" ; longitude:units = "degree_E" ; longitude:standard_name = "grid_longitude" ; double height(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; height:_FillValue = -9999. ; height:long_name = "Airmass height above ground level" ; height:units = "m" ; height:standard_name = "height" ; double pres(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; pres:_FillValue = -9999. ; pres:long_name = "Airmass pressure" ; pres:units = "hPa" ; pres:standard_name = "air_pressure" ; double theta(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; theta:_FillValue = -9999. ; theta:long_name = "Airmass potential temperature" ; theta:units = "K" ; theta:standard_name = "air_potential_temperature" ; double temp(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; temp:_FillValue = -9999. ; temp:long_name = "Airmass temperature" ; temp:standard_name = "air_temperature" ; temp:units = "degC" ; double pblh(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; pblh:_FillValue = -9999. ; pblh:long_name = "Planetary boundary layer height in airmass column" ; pblh:units = "m" ; pblh:standard_name = "atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness" ; double rh(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; rh:_FillValue = -9999. ; rh:long_name = "Airmass relative humidity" ; rh:units = "%" ; rh:standard_name = "relative_humidity" ; double surf_altitude(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; surf_altitude:_FillValue = -9999. ; surf_altitude:long_name = "Surface altitude above mean sea level in airmass column" ; surf_altitude:units = "m" ; surf_altitude:standard_name = "surface_altitude" ; double qv(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; qv:_FillValue = -9999. ; qv:long_name = "Airmass specific humidity" ; qv:units = "g/kg" ; qv:standard_name = "specific_humidity" ; double rhi(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; rhi:_FillValue = -9999. ; rhi:long_name = "Airmass relative humidity with respect to ice" ; rhi:units = "%" ; double theta_e(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; theta_e:_FillValue = -9999. ; theta_e:long_name = "Airmass equivalent potential temperature (excluding condensate from the calculation)" ; theta_e:units = "K" ; theta_e:standard_name = "air_equivalent_potential_temperature" ; double theta_v(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; theta_v:_FillValue = -9999. ; theta_v:long_name = "Airmass virtual potential temperature" ; theta_v:units = "K" ; double altitude(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; altitude:_FillValue = -9999. ; altitude:long_name = "Airmass altitude above mean sea level" ; altitude:units = "m" ; altitude:standard_name = "height_above_mean_sea_level" ; double wvert(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; wvert:_FillValue = -9999. ; wvert:long_name = "Mean hourly airmass ascent rate" ; wvert:units = "m/s" ; wvert:standard_name = "upward_air_velocity" ; double height_to_pblh_ratio(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; height_to_pblh_ratio:_FillValue = -9999. ; height_to_pblh_ratio:long_name = "Airmass height-to-PBLH ratio (>1 - airmass above PBL; <1 - airmass within PBL)" ; height_to_pblh_ratio:units = "1" ; double latitude_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; latitude_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999. ; latitude_ens_mean:long_name = "Airmass latitude ensemble mean" ; latitude_ens_mean:units = "degree_N" ; latitude_ens_mean:standard_name = "grid_latitude" ; double latitude_ens_std(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; latitude_ens_std:_FillValue = -9999. ; latitude_ens_std:long_name = "Airmass latitude ensemble std" ; latitude_ens_std:units = "degree_N" ; latitude_ens_std:standard_name = "grid_latitude" ; double latitude_ens_min(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; latitude_ens_min:_FillValue = -9999. ; latitude_ens_min:long_name = "Airmass latitude ensemble min" ; latitude_ens_min:units = "degree_N" ; latitude_ens_min:standard_name = "grid_latitude" ; double latitude_ens_max(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; latitude_ens_max:_FillValue = -9999. ; latitude_ens_max:long_name = "Airmass latitude ensemble max" ; latitude_ens_max:units = "degree_N" ; latitude_ens_max:standard_name = "grid_latitude" ; double longitude_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; longitude_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999. ; longitude_ens_mean:long_name = "Airmass longitude ensemble mean" ; longitude_ens_mean:units = "degree_E" ; longitude_ens_mean:standard_name = "grid_longitude" ; double longitude_ens_std(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; longitude_ens_std:_FillValue = -9999. ; longitude_ens_std:long_name = "Airmass longitude ensemble std" ; longitude_ens_std:units = "degree_E" ; longitude_ens_std:standard_name = "grid_longitude" ; double longitude_ens_min(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; longitude_ens_min:_FillValue = -9999. ; longitude_ens_min:long_name = "Airmass longitude ensemble min" ; longitude_ens_min:units = "degree_E" ; longitude_ens_min:standard_name = "grid_longitude" ; double longitude_ens_max(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; longitude_ens_max:_FillValue = -9999. ; longitude_ens_max:long_name = "Airmass longitude ensemble max" ; longitude_ens_max:units = "degree_E" ; longitude_ens_max:standard_name = "grid_longitude" ; double height_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; height_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999. ; height_ens_mean:long_name = "Airmass height above ground level ensemble mean" ; height_ens_mean:units = "m" ; height_ens_mean:standard_name = "height" ; double height_ens_std(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; height_ens_std:_FillValue = -9999. ; height_ens_std:long_name = "Airmass height above ground level ensemble std" ; height_ens_std:units = "m" ; height_ens_std:standard_name = "height" ; double height_ens_min(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; height_ens_min:_FillValue = -9999. ; height_ens_min:long_name = "Airmass height above ground level ensemble min" ; height_ens_min:units = "m" ; height_ens_min:standard_name = "height" ; double height_ens_max(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; height_ens_max:_FillValue = -9999. ; height_ens_max:long_name = "Airmass height above ground level ensemble max" ; height_ens_max:units = "m" ; height_ens_max:standard_name = "height" ; double pres_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; pres_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999. ; pres_ens_mean:long_name = "Airmass pressure ensemble mean" ; pres_ens_mean:units = "hPa" ; pres_ens_mean:standard_name = "air_pressure" ; double pres_ens_std(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; pres_ens_std:_FillValue = -9999. ; pres_ens_std:long_name = "Airmass pressure ensemble std" ; pres_ens_std:units = "hPa" ; pres_ens_std:standard_name = "air_pressure" ; double pres_ens_min(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; pres_ens_min:_FillValue = -9999. ; pres_ens_min:long_name = "Airmass pressure ensemble min" ; pres_ens_min:units = "hPa" ; pres_ens_min:standard_name = "air_pressure" ; double pres_ens_max(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; pres_ens_max:_FillValue = -9999. ; pres_ens_max:long_name = "Airmass pressure ensemble max" ; pres_ens_max:units = "hPa" ; pres_ens_max:standard_name = "air_pressure" ; double theta_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; theta_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999. ; theta_ens_mean:long_name = "Airmass potential temperature ensemble mean" ; theta_ens_mean:units = "K" ; theta_ens_mean:standard_name = "air_potential_temperature" ; double theta_ens_std(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; theta_ens_std:_FillValue = -9999. ; theta_ens_std:long_name = "Airmass potential temperature ensemble std" ; theta_ens_std:units = "K" ; theta_ens_std:standard_name = "air_potential_temperature" ; double theta_ens_min(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; theta_ens_min:_FillValue = -9999. ; theta_ens_min:long_name = "Airmass potential temperature ensemble min" ; theta_ens_min:units = "K" ; theta_ens_min:standard_name = "air_potential_temperature" ; double theta_ens_max(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; theta_ens_max:_FillValue = -9999. ; theta_ens_max:long_name = "Airmass potential temperature ensemble max" ; theta_ens_max:units = "K" ; theta_ens_max:standard_name = "air_potential_temperature" ; double temp_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; temp_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999. ; temp_ens_mean:long_name = "Airmass temperature ensemble mean" ; temp_ens_mean:standard_name = "air_temperature" ; temp_ens_mean:units = "degC" ; double temp_ens_std(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; temp_ens_std:_FillValue = -9999. ; temp_ens_std:long_name = "Airmass temperature ensemble std" ; temp_ens_std:standard_name = "air_temperature" ; temp_ens_std:units = "degC" ; double temp_ens_min(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; temp_ens_min:_FillValue = -9999. ; temp_ens_min:long_name = "Airmass temperature ensemble min" ; temp_ens_min:standard_name = "air_temperature" ; temp_ens_min:units = "degC" ; double temp_ens_max(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; temp_ens_max:_FillValue = -9999. ; temp_ens_max:long_name = "Airmass temperature ensemble max" ; temp_ens_max:standard_name = "air_temperature" ; temp_ens_max:units = "degC" ; double pblh_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; pblh_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999. ; pblh_ens_mean:long_name = "Planetary boundary layer height in airmass column ensemble mean" ; pblh_ens_mean:units = "m" ; pblh_ens_mean:standard_name = "atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness" ; double pblh_ens_std(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; pblh_ens_std:_FillValue = -9999. ; pblh_ens_std:long_name = "Planetary boundary layer height in airmass column ensemble std" ; pblh_ens_std:units = "m" ; pblh_ens_std:standard_name = "atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness" ; double pblh_ens_min(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; pblh_ens_min:_FillValue = -9999. ; pblh_ens_min:long_name = "Planetary boundary layer height in airmass column ensemble min" ; pblh_ens_min:units = "m" ; pblh_ens_min:standard_name = "atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness" ; double pblh_ens_max(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; pblh_ens_max:_FillValue = -9999. ; pblh_ens_max:long_name = "Planetary boundary layer height in airmass column ensemble max" ; pblh_ens_max:units = "m" ; pblh_ens_max:standard_name = "atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness" ; double rh_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; rh_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999. ; rh_ens_mean:long_name = "Airmass relative humidity ensemble mean" ; rh_ens_mean:units = "%" ; rh_ens_mean:standard_name = "relative_humidity" ; double rh_ens_std(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; rh_ens_std:_FillValue = -9999. ; rh_ens_std:long_name = "Airmass relative humidity ensemble std" ; rh_ens_std:units = "%" ; rh_ens_std:standard_name = "relative_humidity" ; double rh_ens_min(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; rh_ens_min:_FillValue = -9999. ; rh_ens_min:long_name = "Airmass relative humidity ensemble min" ; rh_ens_min:units = "%" ; rh_ens_min:standard_name = "relative_humidity" ; double rh_ens_max(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; rh_ens_max:_FillValue = -9999. ; rh_ens_max:long_name = "Airmass relative humidity ensemble max" ; rh_ens_max:units = "%" ; rh_ens_max:standard_name = "relative_humidity" ; double surf_altitude_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; surf_altitude_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999. ; surf_altitude_ens_mean:long_name = "Surface altitude above mean sea level in airmass column ensemble mean" ; surf_altitude_ens_mean:units = "m" ; surf_altitude_ens_mean:standard_name = "surface_altitude" ; double surf_altitude_ens_std(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; surf_altitude_ens_std:_FillValue = -9999. ; surf_altitude_ens_std:long_name = "Surface altitude above mean sea level in airmass column ensemble std" ; surf_altitude_ens_std:units = "m" ; surf_altitude_ens_std:standard_name = "surface_altitude" ; double surf_altitude_ens_min(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; surf_altitude_ens_min:_FillValue = -9999. ; surf_altitude_ens_min:long_name = "Surface altitude above mean sea level in airmass column ensemble min" ; surf_altitude_ens_min:units = "m" ; surf_altitude_ens_min:standard_name = "surface_altitude" ; double surf_altitude_ens_max(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; surf_altitude_ens_max:_FillValue = -9999. ; surf_altitude_ens_max:long_name = "Surface altitude above mean sea level in airmass column ensemble max" ; surf_altitude_ens_max:units = "m" ; surf_altitude_ens_max:standard_name = "surface_altitude" ; double qv_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; qv_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999. ; qv_ens_mean:long_name = "Airmass specific humidity ensemble mean" ; qv_ens_mean:units = "g/kg" ; qv_ens_mean:standard_name = "specific_humidity" ; double qv_ens_std(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; qv_ens_std:_FillValue = -9999. ; qv_ens_std:long_name = "Airmass specific humidity ensemble std" ; qv_ens_std:units = "g/kg" ; qv_ens_std:standard_name = "specific_humidity" ; double qv_ens_min(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; qv_ens_min:_FillValue = -9999. ; qv_ens_min:long_name = "Airmass specific humidity ensemble min" ; qv_ens_min:units = "g/kg" ; qv_ens_min:standard_name = "specific_humidity" ; double qv_ens_max(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; qv_ens_max:_FillValue = -9999. ; qv_ens_max:long_name = "Airmass specific humidity ensemble max" ; qv_ens_max:units = "g/kg" ; qv_ens_max:standard_name = "specific_humidity" ; double rhi_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; rhi_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999. ; rhi_ens_mean:long_name = "Airmass relative humidity with respect to ice ensemble mean" ; rhi_ens_mean:units = "%" ; double rhi_ens_std(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; rhi_ens_std:_FillValue = -9999. ; rhi_ens_std:long_name = "Airmass relative humidity with respect to ice ensemble std" ; rhi_ens_std:units = "%" ; double rhi_ens_min(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; rhi_ens_min:_FillValue = -9999. ; rhi_ens_min:long_name = "Airmass relative humidity with respect to ice ensemble min" ; rhi_ens_min:units = "%" ; double rhi_ens_max(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; rhi_ens_max:_FillValue = -9999. ; rhi_ens_max:long_name = "Airmass relative humidity with respect to ice ensemble max" ; rhi_ens_max:units = "%" ; double theta_e_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; theta_e_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999. ; theta_e_ens_mean:long_name = "Airmass equivalent potential temperature (excluding condensate from the calculation) ensemble mean" ; theta_e_ens_mean:units = "K" ; theta_e_ens_mean:standard_name = "air_equivalent_potential_temperature" ; double theta_e_ens_std(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; theta_e_ens_std:_FillValue = -9999. ; theta_e_ens_std:long_name = "Airmass equivalent potential temperature (excluding condensate from the calculation) ensemble std" ; theta_e_ens_std:units = "K" ; theta_e_ens_std:standard_name = "air_equivalent_potential_temperature" ; double theta_e_ens_min(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; theta_e_ens_min:_FillValue = -9999. ; theta_e_ens_min:long_name = "Airmass equivalent potential temperature (excluding condensate from the calculation) ensemble min" ; theta_e_ens_min:units = "K" ; theta_e_ens_min:standard_name = "air_equivalent_potential_temperature" ; double theta_e_ens_max(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; theta_e_ens_max:_FillValue = -9999. ; theta_e_ens_max:long_name = "Airmass equivalent potential temperature (excluding condensate from the calculation) ensemble max" ; theta_e_ens_max:units = "K" ; theta_e_ens_max:standard_name = "air_equivalent_potential_temperature" ; double theta_v_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; theta_v_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999. ; theta_v_ens_mean:long_name = "Airmass virtual potential temperature ensemble mean" ; theta_v_ens_mean:units = "K" ; double theta_v_ens_std(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; theta_v_ens_std:_FillValue = -9999. ; theta_v_ens_std:long_name = "Airmass virtual potential temperature ensemble std" ; theta_v_ens_std:units = "K" ; double theta_v_ens_min(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; theta_v_ens_min:_FillValue = -9999. ; theta_v_ens_min:long_name = "Airmass virtual potential temperature ensemble min" ; theta_v_ens_min:units = "K" ; double theta_v_ens_max(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; theta_v_ens_max:_FillValue = -9999. ; theta_v_ens_max:long_name = "Airmass virtual potential temperature ensemble max" ; theta_v_ens_max:units = "K" ; double altitude_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; altitude_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999. ; altitude_ens_mean:long_name = "Airmass altitude above mean sea level ensemble mean" ; altitude_ens_mean:units = "m" ; altitude_ens_mean:standard_name = "height_above_mean_sea_level" ; double altitude_ens_std(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; altitude_ens_std:_FillValue = -9999. ; altitude_ens_std:long_name = "Airmass altitude above mean sea level ensemble std" ; altitude_ens_std:units = "m" ; altitude_ens_std:standard_name = "height_above_mean_sea_level" ; double altitude_ens_min(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; altitude_ens_min:_FillValue = -9999. ; altitude_ens_min:long_name = "Airmass altitude above mean sea level ensemble min" ; altitude_ens_min:units = "m" ; altitude_ens_min:standard_name = "height_above_mean_sea_level" ; double altitude_ens_max(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; altitude_ens_max:_FillValue = -9999. ; altitude_ens_max:long_name = "Airmass altitude above mean sea level ensemble max" ; altitude_ens_max:units = "m" ; altitude_ens_max:standard_name = "height_above_mean_sea_level" ; double wvert_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; wvert_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999. ; wvert_ens_mean:long_name = "Mean hourly airmass ascent rate ensemble mean" ; wvert_ens_mean:units = "m/s" ; wvert_ens_mean:standard_name = "upward_air_velocity" ; double wvert_ens_std(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; wvert_ens_std:_FillValue = -9999. ; wvert_ens_std:long_name = "Mean hourly airmass ascent rate ensemble std" ; wvert_ens_std:units = "m/s" ; wvert_ens_std:standard_name = "upward_air_velocity" ; double wvert_ens_min(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; wvert_ens_min:_FillValue = -9999. ; wvert_ens_min:long_name = "Mean hourly airmass ascent rate ensemble min" ; wvert_ens_min:units = "m/s" ; wvert_ens_min:standard_name = "upward_air_velocity" ; double wvert_ens_max(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; wvert_ens_max:_FillValue = -9999. ; wvert_ens_max:long_name = "Mean hourly airmass ascent rate ensemble max" ; wvert_ens_max:units = "m/s" ; wvert_ens_max:standard_name = "upward_air_velocity" ; double height_to_pblh_ratio_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; height_to_pblh_ratio_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999. ; height_to_pblh_ratio_ens_mean:long_name = "Airmass height-to-PBLH ratio (>1 - airmass above PBL; <1 - airmass within PBL) ensemble mean" ; height_to_pblh_ratio_ens_mean:units = "1" ; double height_to_pblh_ratio_ens_std(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; height_to_pblh_ratio_ens_std:_FillValue = -9999. ; height_to_pblh_ratio_ens_std:long_name = "Airmass height-to-PBLH ratio (>1 - airmass above PBL; <1 - airmass within PBL) ensemble std" ; height_to_pblh_ratio_ens_std:units = "1" ; double height_to_pblh_ratio_ens_min(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; height_to_pblh_ratio_ens_min:_FillValue = -9999. ; height_to_pblh_ratio_ens_min:long_name = "Airmass height-to-PBLH ratio (>1 - airmass above PBL; <1 - airmass within PBL) ensemble min" ; height_to_pblh_ratio_ens_min:units = "1" ; double height_to_pblh_ratio_ens_max(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; height_to_pblh_ratio_ens_max:_FillValue = -9999. ; height_to_pblh_ratio_ens_max:long_name = "Airmass height-to-PBLH ratio (>1 - airmass above PBL; <1 - airmass within PBL) ensemble max" ; height_to_pblh_ratio_ens_max:units = "1" ; double sgs_orography_angle(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; sgs_orography_angle:_FillValue = -9999. ; sgs_orography_angle:long_name = "Terrain orientation in the horizontal plane (from a bird\'s-eye view) relative to an eastwards axis in airmass column; calculated using a minimum orographic feature horizontal scale of 5 km" ; sgs_orography_angle:units = "radian" ; double sgs_orography_angle_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; sgs_orography_angle_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999. ; sgs_orography_angle_ens_mean:long_name = "Terrain orientation in the horizontal plane (from a bird\'s-eye view) relative to an eastwards axis in airmass column; calculated using a minimum orographic feature horizontal scale of 5 km (along ensemble mean trajectory)" ; sgs_orography_angle_ens_mean:units = "radian" ; double sgs_orography_anisotropy(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; sgs_orography_anisotropy:_FillValue = -9999. ; sgs_orography_anisotropy:long_name = "Terrain distortion from a circle in the horizontal plane (from a bird\'s-eye view) in airmass column; calculated using a minimum orographic feature horizontal scale of 5 km" ; sgs_orography_anisotropy:units = "1" ; double sgs_orography_anisotropy_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; sgs_orography_anisotropy_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999. ; sgs_orography_anisotropy_ens_mean:long_name = "Terrain distortion from a circle in the horizontal plane (from a bird\'s-eye view) in airmass column; calculated using a minimum orographic feature horizontal scale of 5 km (along ensemble mean trajectory)" ; sgs_orography_anisotropy_ens_mean:units = "1" ; double sgs_orography_std(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; sgs_orography_std:_FillValue = -9999. ; sgs_orography_std:long_name = "Standard deviation of orography within a grid box in airmass column; calculated using a minimum orographic feature horizontal scale of 5 km" ; sgs_orography_std:units = "m" ; double sgs_orography_std_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; sgs_orography_std_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999. ; sgs_orography_std_ens_mean:long_name = "Standard deviation of orography within a grid box in airmass column; calculated using a minimum orographic feature horizontal scale of 5 km (along ensemble mean trajectory)" ; sgs_orography_std_ens_mean:units = "m" ; double sgs_orography_slope(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; sgs_orography_slope:_FillValue = -9999. ; sgs_orography_slope:long_name = "Slope of orography within a grid box in airmass column (e.g., 0 - flat, 0.5 - 45 degree slope); calculated using a minimum orographic feature horizontal scale of 5 km" ; sgs_orography_slope:units = "1" ; double sgs_orography_slope_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; sgs_orography_slope_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999. ; sgs_orography_slope_ens_mean:long_name = "Slope of orography within a grid box in airmass column (e.g., 0 - flat, 0.5 - 45 degree slope); calculated using a minimum orographic feature horizontal scale of 5 km (along ensemble mean trajectory)" ; sgs_orography_slope_ens_mean:units = "1" ; double land_sea_mask(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; land_sea_mask:_FillValue = -9999. ; land_sea_mask:long_name = "Land-sea mask in airmass column (area fraction per ERA5 ~31 km grid-cell; 0 - open water, 1 - all land)" ; land_sea_mask:units = "1" ; double land_sea_mask_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; land_sea_mask_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999. ; land_sea_mask_ens_mean:long_name = "Land-sea mask in airmass column (area fraction per ERA5 ~31 km grid-cell; 0 - open water, 1 - all land) (along ensemble mean trajectory)" ; land_sea_mask_ens_mean:units = "1" ; float high_vegetation_type(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; high_vegetation_type:_FillValue = -9999.f ; high_vegetation_type:long_name = "High vegetation type in airmass column out of 6 values: 3 = Evergreen needleleaf trees, 4 = Deciduous needleleaf trees, 5 = Deciduous broadleaf trees, 6 = Evergreen broadleaf trees, 18 = Mixed forest/woodland, 19 = Interrupted forest. (0 indicates lack of high vegetation)" ; high_vegetation_type:units = "1" ; float high_vegetation_type_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; high_vegetation_type_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999.f ; high_vegetation_type_ens_mean:long_name = "High vegetation type in airmass column out of 6 values: 3 = Evergreen needleleaf trees, 4 = Deciduous needleleaf trees, 5 = Deciduous broadleaf trees, 6 = Evergreen broadleaf trees, 18 = Mixed forest/woodland, 19 = Interrupted forest. (0 indicates lack of high vegetation) (along ensemble mean trajectory)" ; high_vegetation_type_ens_mean:units = "1" ; float low_vegetation_type(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; low_vegetation_type:_FillValue = -9999.f ; low_vegetation_type:long_name = "Low vegetation type in airmass column out of 10 values: 1 = Crops, Mixed farming, 2 = Grass, 7 = Tall grass, 9 = Tundra, 10 = Irrigated crops, 11 = Semidesert, 13 = Bogs and marshes, 16 = Evergreen shrubs, 17 = Deciduous shrubs, 20 = Water and land mixtures. (0 indicates lack of low vegetation)" ; low_vegetation_type:units = "1" ; float low_vegetation_type_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; low_vegetation_type_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999.f ; low_vegetation_type_ens_mean:long_name = "Low vegetation type in airmass column out of 10 values: 1 = Crops, Mixed farming, 2 = Grass, 7 = Tall grass, 9 = Tundra, 10 = Irrigated crops, 11 = Semidesert, 13 = Bogs and marshes, 16 = Evergreen shrubs, 17 = Deciduous shrubs, 20 = Water and land mixtures. (0 indicates lack of low vegetation) (along ensemble mean trajectory)" ; low_vegetation_type_ens_mean:units = "1" ; double high_vegetation_cover(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; high_vegetation_cover:_FillValue = -9999. ; high_vegetation_cover:long_name = "High vegetation cover fraction in airmass column" ; high_vegetation_cover:units = "1" ; double high_vegetation_cover_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; high_vegetation_cover_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999. ; high_vegetation_cover_ens_mean:long_name = "High vegetation cover fraction in airmass column (along ensemble mean trajectory)" ; high_vegetation_cover_ens_mean:units = "1" ; double low_vegetation_cover(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; low_vegetation_cover:_FillValue = -9999. ; low_vegetation_cover:long_name = "Low vegetation cover fraction in airmass column" ; low_vegetation_cover:units = "1" ; double low_vegetation_cover_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; low_vegetation_cover_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999. ; low_vegetation_cover_ens_mean:long_name = "Low vegetation cover fraction in airmass column (along ensemble mean trajectory)" ; low_vegetation_cover_ens_mean:units = "1" ; float soil_type(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; soil_type:_FillValue = -9999.f ; soil_type:long_name = "Soil type in airmass column out of 7 values: 1 = Coarse, 2 = Medium, 3 = Medium fine, 4 = Fine, 5 = Very fine, 6: Organic, 7: Tropical organic. (0 indicates non-land point)" ; soil_type:units = "1" ; soil_type:standard_name = "soil_type" ; float soil_type_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; soil_type_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999.f ; soil_type_ens_mean:long_name = "Soil type in airmass column out of 7 values: 1 = Coarse, 2 = Medium, 3 = Medium fine, 4 = Fine, 5 = Very fine, 6: Organic, 7: Tropical organic. (0 indicates non-land point) (along ensemble mean trajectory)" ; soil_type_ens_mean:units = "1" ; soil_type_ens_mean:standard_name = "soil_type" ; double sea_ice_cover(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; sea_ice_cover:_FillValue = -9999. ; sea_ice_cover:long_name = "Sea-ice cover fraction (based on monthly means) in airmass column" ; sea_ice_cover:units = "1" ; sea_ice_cover:standard_name = "sea_ice_area_fraction" ; double sea_ice_cover_ens_mean(time, trajectory_type, trajectory_time, vert_layer) ; sea_ice_cover_ens_mean:_FillValue = -9999. ; sea_ice_cover_ens_mean:long_name = "Sea-ice cover fraction (based on monthly means) in airmass column (along ensemble mean trajectory)" ; sea_ice_cover_ens_mean:units = "1" ; sea_ice_cover_ens_mean:standard_name = "sea_ice_area_fraction" ; int time_dim_sonde(time_dim_sonde) ; time_dim_sonde:long_name = "sonde time (sample) dimension entries" ; time_dim_sonde:units = "1" ; double rh_sonde(time, time_dim_sonde) ; rh_sonde:_FillValue = -9999. ; rh_sonde:long_name = "Relative Humidity" ; rh_sonde:units = "%" ; rh_sonde:valid_min = 0.f ; rh_sonde:valid_max = 100.f ; rh_sonde:resolution = 1.f ; rh_sonde:standard_name = "relative_humidity" ; double pres_sonde(time, time_dim_sonde) ; pres_sonde:_FillValue = -9999. ; pres_sonde:long_name = "Pressure" ; pres_sonde:units = "hPa" ; pres_sonde:valid_min = 0.f ; pres_sonde:valid_max = 1100.f ; pres_sonde:valid_delta = 10.f ; pres_sonde:resolution = 0.1f ; pres_sonde:standard_name = "air_pressure" ; double temp_sonde(time, time_dim_sonde) ; temp_sonde:_FillValue = -9999. ; temp_sonde:long_name = "Dry Bulb Temperature" ; temp_sonde:valid_min = -90.f ; temp_sonde:valid_max = 50.f ; temp_sonde:valid_delta = 10.f ; temp_sonde:resolution = 0.1f ; temp_sonde:standard_name = "air_temperature" ; temp_sonde:units = "degC" ; double alt_sonde(time, time_dim_sonde) ; alt_sonde:_FillValue = -9999. ; alt_sonde:long_name = "Altitude above mean sea level" ; alt_sonde:units = "m" ; alt_sonde:standard_name = "altitude" ; double time_sonde(time, time_dim_sonde) ; time_sonde:_FillValue = -9999. ; time_sonde:long_name = "Time offset from midnight" ; time_sonde:standard_name = "time" ; time_sonde:units = "seconds since 2024-02-14 00:00:00 0:00" ; double wspd_sonde(time, time_dim_sonde) ; wspd_sonde:_FillValue = -9999. ; wspd_sonde:long_name = "Wind Speed" ; wspd_sonde:units = "m/s" ; wspd_sonde:valid_min = 0.f ; wspd_sonde:valid_max = 100.f ; wspd_sonde:resolution = 0.1f ; wspd_sonde:standard_name = "wind_speed" ; double wdir_sonde(time, time_dim_sonde) ; wdir_sonde:_FillValue = -9999. ; wdir_sonde:long_name = "Wind Direction" ; wdir_sonde:units = "degree" ; wdir_sonde:valid_min = 0.f ; wdir_sonde:valid_max = 360.f ; wdir_sonde:resolution = 1.f ; wdir_sonde:standard_name = "wind_from_direction" ; int liq_cld_exist(time, time_dim_sonde) ; liq_cld_exist:_FillValue = -9999 ; liq_cld_exist:long_name = "1 - liquid droplets in grid cell, 0 - no liquid droplets in grid cell; determined using sonde RH threshold of 96.0%; layers distant by less than 50.0 meters were concatenated; layers thinner than 25.0 meters were removed" ; liq_cld_exist:units = "1" ; int liq_cld_base(time, vert_layer) ; liq_cld_base:_FillValue = -9999 ; liq_cld_base:long_name = "Liquid cloud base altitude; determined using sonde RH threshold of 96.0%; layers distant by less than 50.0 meters were concatenated; layers thinner than 25.0 meters were removed" ; liq_cld_base:units = "m" ; int liq_cld_top(time, vert_layer) ; liq_cld_top:_FillValue = -9999 ; liq_cld_top:long_name = "Liquid cloud top altitude; determined using sonde RH threshold of 96.0%; layers distant by less than 50.0 meters were concatenated; layers thinner than 25.0 meters were removed" ; liq_cld_top:units = "m" ; double time(time) ; time:long_name = "Time in seconds since volume start" ; time:units = "seconds since 2024-02-14 00:00:00 0:00" ; double time_offset(time) ; time_offset:_FillValue = -9999. ; time_offset:long_name = "Time offset from base_time" ; time_offset:units = "seconds since 2024-02-14 00:00:00 0:00" ; int base_time ; base_time:_FillValue = -9999 ; base_time:long_name = "Base time in Epoch" ; base_time:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 0:00:00 0:00" ; double lat ; lat:_FillValue = -9999. ; lat:long_name = "latitude" ; lat:units = "degree_N" ; double lon ; lon:_FillValue = -9999. ; lon:long_name = "longitude" ; lon:units = "degree_E" ; double alt ; alt:_FillValue = -9999. ; alt:long_name = "Altitude above mean sea level" ; alt:units = "m" ; // global attributes: :mode = "cld" ; :_NCProperties = "version=2,netcdf=4.8.1,hdf5=1.12.2" ; :ensemble_size = "27" ; :ensemble_dx_from_center = "[-7.5 0. 7.5] km" ; :ensemble_dy_from_center = "[-7.5 0. 7.5] km" ; :ensemble_dz_from_center = "[-50 0 50] m" ; :used_era5_resolution = "0.25 degrees" ; :total_trajectory_hours = "[-120, 120]" ; :number_of_starting_center_points_per_time_step = "[1]" ; :title = "Back and forward trajectories for liquid-bearing cloud layers in full tropospheric profiles" ; :summary = "The ARMTRAJ VAP provides four trajectory datasets initialized at ARM deployment coordinates and configured using ARM datasets. The four trajectory datasets support aerosol, cloud, and planetary boundary layer research. Trajectory calculations use the HYSPLIT model informed by the ERA5 reanalysis dataset at its highest spatial resolution (~31 km). For each sample in each of the four datasets, HYSPLIT also runs at multiple starting locations surrounding ARM deployments, enabling an ensemble of runs from which the mean and variability (estimated uncertainty) of each sample\'s trajectory coordinates, thermodynamic properties, or other fields are reported." ; :keywords = "ARM, ground-based measurements, ground-based remote sensing, clouds, aerosol, PBL, trajectories, Lagrangian analysis" ; :doi = "10.5439/2309851" ; :dod_version = "v1.0" ; :command_line = "python" ; :datastream = "epcarmtrajcldM1.c1" ; :site_id = "epc" ; :platform_id = "armtrajcld" ; :facility_id = "M1" ; :data_level = "c1" ; :location_description = "Eastern Pacific Cloud Aerosol Precipitation Experiment (EPCAPE), Scripps Pier, La Jolla, CA" ; :history = "created by user isilber1 on machine dev-proc2 at 21-Mar-2024,12:10:47; Variables updated by mkieburtz on machine dev-proc2 at 21-Mar-2024,19:09:08 to align with ARM standards and DOD." ; }