Data Quality Reports for Session: 136524 User: tami1toto Completed: 08/01/2011


DQR IDSubjectData Streams Affected
D090211.3HFE/AOS/M1 - No sub 1 micron datahfeaosM1.a1
D090211.4HFE/AOS/M1 - Humidifier failurehfeaosM1.a1
D090211.5HFE/AOS/M1 - CPC data missinghfeaosM1.a1
D090211.7HFE/AOS/M1 - PSAP data missinghfeaosM1.a1
D101020.3HFE/AOS/M1 - Data processing problemhfeaosM1.a1, hfenoaaaosM1.b1, hfenoaaaosavgM1.b1

DQRID : D090211.3
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
HFE/AOS/M1 - No sub 1 micron data
The aerosol size switching impactors were stuck in the sub 10 micron mode. So all aerosol 
is sub 10 um.
  • Absorption Coefficient Red, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
    PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_R_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1)
  • Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
    nephelometer blue channel, 1(Bbs_B_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2)
  • Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer blue
    channel, 1 um particle dia(Bs_B_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2)
  • Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
    nephelometer blue chann(Bbs_B_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1)
  • Absorption Coefficient Green, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
    PSAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1)
  • Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer blue
    channel, 1 um particl(Bs_B_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1)
  • Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer red
    channel, 1 um particle(Bs_R_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1)
  • Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
    nephelometer red channe(Bbs_R_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1)
  • Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
    nephelometer green channel,(Bbs_G_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2)
  • Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
    nephelometer red channel, 1(Bbs_R_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2)
  • Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer red
    channel, 1 um particle diam(Bs_R_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2)
  • Absorption Coefficient Blue, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
    PSAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_B_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1)
  • Aerosol light absorption coefficient, green channel, 1 um particle diameter(Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1)
  • Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph nephelometer green
    channel, 1 um partic(Bs_G_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1)
  • Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer green
    channel, 1 um particle di(Bs_G_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2)
  • Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Ref. Humidograph
    nephelometer green chan(Bbs_G_Dry_1um_Neph3W_1)

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DQRID : D090211.4
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
HFE/AOS/M1 - Humidifier failure
The humidifier either wasn't scanning or the wet nephelometer was flooded with water.
  • Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
    nephelometer green channel,(Bbs_G_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2)
  • Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer green
    channel, 10 um particle d(Bs_G_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2)
  • Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
    nephelometer green channel,(Bbs_G_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2)
  • Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
    nephelometer blue channel, 1(Bbs_B_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2)
  • Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
    nephelometer red channel, 1(Bbs_R_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2)
  • Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
    nephelometer blue channel, 1(Bbs_B_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2)
  • Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer blue
    channel, 10 um particle di(Bs_B_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2)
  • Aerosol backwards-hemispheric light scattering coefficient, Humidograph
    nephelometer red channel, 10(Bbs_R_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2)
  • Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer blue
    channel, 1 um particle dia(Bs_B_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2)
  • Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer red
    channel, 1 um particle diam(Bs_R_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2)
  • Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer red
    channel, 10 um particle dia(Bs_R_Wet_10um_Neph3W_2)
  • Aerosol total light scattering coefficient, Humidograph nephelometer green
    channel, 1 um particle di(Bs_G_Wet_1um_Neph3W_2)

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DQRID : D090211.5
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
HFE/AOS/M1 - CPC data missing
The CPC wasn't installed until July 22nd when the mentor visited the site.
  • Condensation Nuclei Concentration Number(N_CPC_1)

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DQRID : D090211.7
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
HFE/AOS/M1 - PSAP data missing
The PSAP was disconnected during this time period.
  • Aerosol light absorption coefficient, green channel, 10 um particle diameter(Ba_G_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1)
  • Absorption Coefficient Red, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
    PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_R_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1)
  • Absorption Coefficient Blue, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
    PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_B_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1)
  • Absorption Coefficient Red, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
    PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_R_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1)
  • Absorption Coefficient Green, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
    PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_G_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1)
  • Aerosol light absorption coefficient, green channel, 1 um particle diameter(Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1)
  • Absorption Coefficient Blue, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
    PSAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_B_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1)
  • Absorption Coefficient Green, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
    PSAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1)

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DQRID : D101020.3
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
HFE/AOS/M1 - Data processing problem
DataStreams:hfeaosM1.a1, hfenoaaaosM1.b1, hfenoaaaosavgM1.b1
The AOS data was reprocessed for the AMF, SGP and NSA sites. There was an error in the 
processing of the corrections for the PSAP absorption signal such that a low pass filter was 
implemented for the scattering data used in these corrections.The difference between the 
corrected and previous data is < 0.05 Mm-1 (below the instrument detection limit) and 
should not have a significant effect on the previous data. Data will be reprocessed at a 
later time when more significant changes to the data processing are implemented.
  • Absorption Coefficient Blue, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
    PSAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_B_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1)
  • Absorption Coefficient Red, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
    PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_R_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1)
  • Absorption Coefficient Red, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
    PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_R_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1)
  • Aerosol light absorption coefficient, green channel, 10 um particle diameter(Ba_G_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1)
  • Absorption Coefficient Green, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
    PSAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1)
  • Absorption Coefficient Green, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
    PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_G_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1)
  • Aerosol light absorption coefficient, green channel, 1 um particle diameter(Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1)
  • Absorption Coefficient Blue, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
    PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_B_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1)

  • Absorption Coefficient Red, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
    PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_R_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1)
  • Aerosol light absorption coefficient, green channel, 10 um particle diameter(Ba_G_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1)
  • Absorption Coefficient Green, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
    PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_G_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1)
  • Absorption Coefficient Green, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
    PSAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1)
  • Absorption Coefficient Blue, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
    PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_B_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1)
  • Absorption Coefficient Red, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
    PSAP, 10 um size cut(Ba_R_Dry_10um_PSAP3W_1)
  • Absorption Coefficient Blue, corrected for flow and sample area, 3 wavelength
    PSAP, 1 um size cut(Ba_B_Dry_1um_PSAP3W_1)
  • Aerosol light absorption coefficient, green channel, 1 um particle diameter(Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1)

  • Aerosol light absorption coefficient, green channel, 1 um particle diameter(Ba_G_Dry_1um_PSAP1W_1)
  • Aerosol light absorption coefficient, green channel, 10 um particle diameter(Ba_G_Dry_10um_PSAP1W_1)

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