Data Quality Reports for Session: 128009 User: perths3 Completed: 05/23/2010


DQR IDSubjectData Streams Affected
D000121.1SGP/MWR/B5 - wrong calibrationsgp5mwravgB5.c1, sgpmwrlosB5.00, sgpmwrlosB5.a1, sgpmwrlosB5.b1, sgpmwrtipB5.a1
D011220.37overlapping files report different valuessgp5mwravgB5.c1
D040819.3SGP/MWR/B1 - Loss of thermal stabilizationsgp5mwravgB1.c1, sgpmwrlosB1.a0, sgpmwrlosB1.a1
D040819.5SGP/MWR/B5 - Loss of thermal stabilizationsgp5mwravgB5.c1, sgpmwrlosB5.a0, sgpmwrlosB5.a1
D050725.2SGP/MWR/B1 - Reprocess: Revised Retrieval Coefficientssgp5mwravgB1.c1, sgpmwrlosB1.a1, sgpmwrlosB1.b1, sgpmwrtipB1.a1, sgpqmemwrcolB1.c1
D050725.3SGP/MWR/B4 - Reprocess: Revised Retrieval Coefficientssgp5mwravgB4.c1, sgpmwrlosB4.a1, sgpmwrlosB4.b1, sgpmwrtipB4.a1, sgpqmemwrcolB4.c1
D050725.4SGP/MWR/B5 - Reprocess: Revised Retrieval Coefficientssgp5mwravgB5.c1, sgpmwrlosB5.a1, sgpmwrlosB5.b1, sgpmwrtipB5.a1, sgpqmemwrcolB5.c1
D951005.2SGP/5MWRAVG/B1/B4/B5 - Valid LWP > 1 mm excluded from 5 min avgssgp5mwravgB1.c1, sgp5mwravgB4.c1, sgp5mwravgB5.c1
D960115.1Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV) values at Hillsborosgp5mwravgB1.c1, sgpmwrlosB1.a0, sgpmwrlosB1.a1
D960404.12SGP/MWR/B1/B4/B5 - Reprocess: Error in MWR calibrationsgp5mwravgB1.c1, sgp5mwravgB4.c1, sgp5mwravgB5.c1
D960404.8SGP/MWR/B1/B4/B5 - Reprocess: MWR Tuning Functionssgp5mwravgB1.c1, sgp5mwravgB4.c1, sgp5mwravgB5.c1
D961117.11Loss of thermal stabilizationsgp5mwravgB1.c1
D961117.12Loss of thermal stabilizationsgp5mwravgB4.c1
D961117.13Loss of thermal stabilizationsgp5mwravgB5.c1
D961117.16Loss of thermal stabilizationsgp5mwravgB1.c1, sgp5mwravgB4.c1, sgp5mwravgB5.c1
D961117.17Loss of thermal stabilizationsgp5mwravgB4.c1
D961117.18Loss of thermal stabilizationsgp5mwravgB5.c1
D961120.1SGP/MWR/B1/B4/B5/B6/C1 - Thermal Stabilization Adjustmentsgp1mwravgC1.c1, sgp5mwravgB1.c1, sgp5mwravgB4.c1, sgp5mwravgB5.c1, sgp5mwravgB6.c1,
sgp5mwravgC1.c1, sgpmwrlosB1.a0, sgpmwrlosB1.a1, sgpmwrlosB4.a0, sgpmwrlosB4.a1,
sgpmwrlosB5.a0, sgpmwrlosB5.a1, sgpmwrlosB6.a0, sgpmwrlosB6.a1, sgpmwrlosC1.a1, sgpmwrlosC1.b1
D991102.1SGP/MWR/B4 - power lines in field of viewsgp5mwravgB4.c1, sgpmwrlosB4.00, sgpmwrlosB4.a1, sgpmwrlosB4.b1, sgpmwrtipB4.00,
D991110.1SGP/MWR/B5 - Reprocess: wet window flag highsgp5mwravgB5.c1, sgplssondeB5.c1, sgpqmemwrcolB5.c1

DQRID : D000121.1
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
SGP/MWR/B5 - wrong calibration
DataStreams:sgp5mwravgB5.c1, sgpmwrlosB5.00, sgpmwrlosB5.a1, sgpmwrlosB5.b1, sgpmwrtipB5.a1
An upgrade of the instrument by the manufacturer significantly changed its 
calibration and the configuration file was not updated with the new calibration
values when the instrument was returned to service.
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • IR Brightness Temperature(ir_temp)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total liquid water amount(liq_sdev)
  • Fraction of data in averaging interval with water on Teflon window(water_flag_fraction)
  • lat(lat)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total water vapor amount(vap_sdev)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky23_sdev)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)
  • lon(lon)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky31_sdev)
  • Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
  • Number of data points averaged for 23tbsky, 31tbsky, vap & liq(num_obs)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the IR brightness temperature(ir_temp_sdev)
  • base time(base_time)
  • Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)

  • Water on Teflon window (1=WET, 0=DRY)(wet_window)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • lon(lon)
  • Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)
  • IR Brightness Temperature(ir_temp)
  • Actual elevation angle(actel)
  • Actual Azimuth(actaz)
  • lat(lat)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
  • base time(base_time)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)

  • Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
  • Water on Teflon window (1=WET, 0=DRY)(wet_window)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • Sky brightness temperature at 31.4 GHz(tbsky31)
  • Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • lat(lat)
  • base time(base_time)
  • Sky brightness temperature at 23.8 GHz(tbsky23)
  • IR Brightness Temperature(ir_temp)
  • lon(lon)

  • null(Raw data stream - documentation not supported)

  • Actual elevation angle(actel)
  • Temperature correction coefficient at 31.4 GHz(tc31)
  • Noise injection temp at 31.4 GHz adjusted to tkbb(tnd31)
  • 31.4 GHz sky signal(tipsky31)
  • 31.4 GHz goodness-of-fit coefficient(r31)
  • 23.8 GHz blackbody+noise injection signal(bbn23)
  • Mixer kinetic (physical) temperature(tkxc)
  • Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
  • Noise injection temp at nominal temperature at 23.8 GHz(tnd_nom23)
  • 23.8 GHz goodness-of-fit coefficient(r23)
  • lon(lon)
  • 31.4 GHz blackbody(bb31)
  • 31.4 GHz blac2body+noise injection signal(bbn31)
  • Noise injection temp at 23.8 GHz derived from this tip(tnd23I)
  • Noise injection temp at 31.4 GHz derived from this tip(tnd31I)
  • 23.8 GHz Blackbody signal(bb23)
  • Water on Teflon window (1=WET, 0=DRY)(wet_window)
  • Noise injection temp at nominal temperature at 31.4 GHz(tnd_nom31)
  • base time(base_time)
  • Noise injection temp at 23.8 GHz adjusted to tkbb(tnd23)
  • (tknd)
  • Temperature correction coefficient at 23.8 GHz(tc23)
  • Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)
  • 23.8 GHz sky signal(tipsky23)
  • Actual Azimuth(actaz)
  • Ambient temperature(tkair)
  • Blackbody kinetic temperature(tkbb)
  • lat(lat)

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DQRID : D011220.37
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
overlapping files report different values
The sgp5mwravgB5.c1 data file for this day was split into
two files (both partial days).  The first file contains
data for 990913.145500-990913.170000.  The second file
contains data for 990913.170000-990913.173000.  The two
files report different values the the 170000 time stamp.
  • base time(base_time)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • Sky brightness temperature at 31.4 GHz(tbsky31)
  • Number of data points averaged for ir_temp(num_obs_ir)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total liquid water amount(liq_sdev)
  • Number of contiguous periods in averaging interval flagged by Dynamic Linear Mo(dlm_flag_periods)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)
  • Fraction of data in averaging interval with water on Teflon window(water_flag_fraction)
  • lat(lat)
  • lon(lon)
  • Number of contiguous periods in averaging interval with water on Teflon window(water_flag_periods)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky31_sdev)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total water vapor amount(vap_sdev)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky23_sdev)
  • Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
  • IR Brightness Temperature(ir_temp)
  • Number of data points averaged for 23tbsky, 31tbsky, vap & liq(num_obs)
  • Fraction of data in averaging interval flagged by Dynamic Linear Model as poten(dlm_flag_fraction)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the IR brightness temperature(ir_temp_sdev)
  • Sky brightness temperature at 23.8 GHz(tbsky23)
  • Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)
  • Number of points included in the ir_temp ensemble(num_obs_irt)

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DQRID : D040819.3
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
SGP/MWR/B1 - Loss of thermal stabilization
DataStreams:sgp5mwravgB1.c1, sgpmwrlosB1.a0, sgpmwrlosB1.a1
Periodically during August and September 1995 all microwave radiometers
at the SGP CART generated error messages in the Site Operations Log

  Time: Sat Aug 19 18:41:20 1995
  MWRLOS.C1, tkxc: Value above Maximum.

This indicates that the temperature of the microwave hardware
(specifically, the cross-coupler or "xc") exceeded its controlled
temperature (47-52 deg C) at which point it was no longer thermally
stabilized and the gain was uncontrolled.  During these periods which
typically last about 8 hours from about local noon until about sunset
the data behave anomalously and should be considered invalid.

Specifically the precipitable water vapor increases and the liquid
water path decreases (and becomes SIGNIFICANTLY NEGATIVE (-0.1 mm) on
clear sky days).  The RMS noise level in the data also increases
sharply.  The 'Tkxc' field appears ONLY in the a0-level data and does
NOT appear in either the a1 (mwrlos) or c1 (mwr5avg) files.  Therefore

The microwave hardware is thermally stabilized to about +/- 0.1 deg C
by resistive heating.  When the internal temperature rises above the
set point the thermal stabilization of the instrument gain is lost.
>From an examination of the component temperature data it appears that
increasing the set point temperature to about 55 deg C (328 K) would
prevent a re-ocurrance of this problem at the SGP.  The manufacturer,
Radiometrics, concurs that raising the set point will fix this problem
and will not cause other problems.

I will have to carefully examine the MCTEX data to determine whether
this will be a problem for the TWP.  The manufacturer and I had
discussed this possibility prior to building the TWP MWRs (S/N 015,
016, and 017) and those instruments have set points above 50 deg C.
Note that MWR 018 has a set point near 52 deg C (like the TWP models)
but it still experienced a few loss-of-stabilization events.

Note that the instruments with the lowest set points had the most
loss-of-stabilization events.
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)

  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)

  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)

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DQRID : D040819.5
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
SGP/MWR/B5 - Loss of thermal stabilization
DataStreams:sgp5mwravgB5.c1, sgpmwrlosB5.a0, sgpmwrlosB5.a1
Periodically during August and September 1995 all microwave radiometers
at the SGP CART generated error messages in the Site Operations Log

  Time: Sat Aug 19 18:41:20 1995
  MWRLOS.C1, tkxc: Value above Maximum.

This indicates that the temperature of the microwave hardware
(specifically, the cross-coupler or "xc") exceeded its controlled
temperature (47-52 deg C) at which point it was no longer thermally
stabilized and the gain was uncontrolled.  During these periods which
typically last about 8 hours from about local noon until about sunset
the data behave anomalously and should be considered invalid.

Specifically the precipitable water vapor increases and the liquid
water path decreases (and becomes SIGNIFICANTLY NEGATIVE (-0.1 mm) on
clear sky days).  The RMS noise level in the data also increases
sharply.  The 'Tkxc' field appears ONLY in the a0-level data and does
NOT appear in either the a1 (mwrlos) or c1 (mwr5avg) files.  Therefore

The microwave hardware is thermally stabilized to about +/- 0.1 deg C
by resistive heating.  When the internal temperature rises above the
set point the thermal stabilization of the instrument gain is lost.
>From an examination of the component temperature data it appears that
increasing the set point temperature to about 55 deg C (328 K) would
prevent a re-ocurrance of this problem at the SGP.  The manufacturer,
Radiometrics, concurs that raising the set point will fix this problem
and will not cause other problems.

I will have to carefully examine the MCTEX data to determine whether
this will be a problem for the TWP.  The manufacturer and I had
discussed this possibility prior to building the TWP MWRs (S/N 015,
016, and 017) and those instruments have set points above 50 deg C.
Note that MWR 018 has a set point near 52 deg C (like the TWP models)
but it still experienced a few loss-of-stabilization events.

Note that the instruments with the lowest set points had the most
loss-of-stabilization events.
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)

  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)

  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)

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DQRID : D050725.2
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
SGP/MWR/B1 - Reprocess: Revised Retrieval Coefficients
DataStreams:sgp5mwravgB1.c1, sgpmwrlosB1.a1, sgpmwrlosB1.b1, sgpmwrtipB1.a1, sgpqmemwrcolB1.c1
IN THE BEGINNING (June 1992), the retrieval coefficients used to derive the precipitable 
water vapor (PWV) and liquid water path (LWP) from the MWR brightness temperatures were 
based on the Liebe and Layton (1987) water vapor and oxygen absorption model and the Grant 
(1957) liquid water absorption model.

Following the SHEBA experience, revised retrievals based on the more recent Rosenkranz 
(1998) water vapor and oxygen absorption models and the Liebe (1991) liquid waer absorption 
model were developed.  The Rosenkranz water vapor absorption model resulted a 2 percent 
increase in PWV relative to the earlier Liebe and Layton model.  The Liebe liquid water 
absorption model decreased the LWP by 10% relative to the Grant model.  However, the 
increased oxygen absorption caused a 0.02-0.03 mm (20-30 g/m2) reduction in LWP, which was 
particularly significant for low LWP conditions (i.e. thin clouds encountered at SHEBA).

Recently, it has been shown (Liljegren, Boukabara, Cady-Pereira, and Clough, TGARS v. 43, 
pp 1102-1108, 2005) that the half-width of the 22 GHz water vapor line from the HITRAN 
compilation, which is 5 percent smaller than the Liebe and Dillon (1969) half-width used in 
Rosenkranz (1998), provided a better fit to the microwave brightness temperature 
measurements at 5 frequencies in the range 22-30 GHz, and yielded more accurate retrievals. 
Accordingly, revised MWR retrieval coefficients have been developed using MONORTM, which 
utilizes the HITRAN compilation for its spectroscopic parameters.  These new retrievals 
provide 3 percent less PWV and 2.6 percent greater LWP than the previous retrievals based on 
Rosenkranz (1998).

Although the MWR data will be reprocessed to apply the new monortm-based retrievals, for 
most purposes it will be sufficient to correct the data using the following factors:


The Rosenkranz-based retrieval coefficients became active at SGP.B1 20020412.1600.  The 
MONORTM-based retrieval coefficients became active at SGP.B1 20050624.2100.

Note: a reprocessing effort is already underway to apply the Rosenkranz-based retrieval 
coefficients to all MWR prior to April 2002.  An additional reprocessing task will be 
undertaken to apply the MONORTM retrieval to all MWR data when the first is completed.  Read 
reprocessing comments in the netcdf file header carefully to ensure you are aware which 
retrieval is in play.
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)

  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)

  • Total water vapor along zenith path using tip-derived brightness temperatures(vaptip)
  • Total liquid water along zenith path using tip-derived brightness temperatures(liqtip)

  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)

  • Ensemble average for MWR vapor in window centered about balloon release(mean_vap_mwr)
  • Ensemble average for MWR liquid in window centered about balloon release(mean_liq_mwr)

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DQRID : D050725.3
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
SGP/MWR/B4 - Reprocess: Revised Retrieval Coefficients
DataStreams:sgp5mwravgB4.c1, sgpmwrlosB4.a1, sgpmwrlosB4.b1, sgpmwrtipB4.a1, sgpqmemwrcolB4.c1
IN THE BEGINNING (June 1992), the retrieval coefficients used to derive the precipitable 
water vapor (PWV) and liquid water path (LWP) from the MWR brightness temperatures were 
based on the Liebe and Layton (1987) water vapor and oxygen absorption model and the Grant 
(1957) liquid water absorption model.

Following the SHEBA experience, revised retrievals based on the more recent Rosenkranz 
(1998) water vapor and oxygen absorption models and the Liebe (1991) liquid waer absorption 
model were developed.  The Rosenkranz water vapor absorption model resulted a 2 percent 
increase in PWV relative to the earlier Liebe and Layton model.  The Liebe liquid water 
absorption model decreased the LWP by 10% relative to the Grant model.  However, the 
increased oxygen absorption caused a 0.02-0.03 mm (20-30 g/m2) reduction in LWP, which was 
particularly significant for low LWP conditions (i.e. thin clouds encountered at SHEBA).

Recently, it has been shown (Liljegren, Boukabara, Cady-Pereira, and Clough, TGARS v. 43, 
pp 1102-1108, 2005) that the half-width of the 22 GHz water vapor line from the HITRAN 
compilation, which is 5 percent smaller than the Liebe and Dillon (1969) half-width used in 
Rosenkranz (1998), provided a better fit to the microwave brightness temperature 
measurements at 5 frequencies in the range 22-30 GHz, and yielded more accurate retrievals. 
Accordingly, revised MWR retrieval coefficients have been developed using MONORTM, which 
utilizes the HITRAN compilation for its spectroscopic parameters.  These new retrievals 
provide 3 percent less PWV and 2.6 percent greater LWP than the previous retrievals based on 
Rosenkranz (1998).

Although the MWR data will be reprocessed to apply the new monortm-based retrievals, for 
most purposes it will be sufficient to correct the data using the following factors:


The Rosenkranz-based retrieval coefficients became active at SGP.B4 20020415.2300.  The 
MONORTM-based retrieval coefficients became active at SGP.B4 20050624.2100.

Note: a reprocessing effort is already underway to apply the Rosenkranz-based retrieval 
coefficients to all MWR prior to April 2002.  An additional reprocessing task will be 
undertaken to apply the MONORTM retrieval to all MWR data when the first is completed. Read 
reprocessing comments in the netcdf file header carefully to ensure you are aware which 
retrieval is in play.
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)

  • Total water vapor along zenith path using tip-derived brightness temperatures(vaptip)
  • Total liquid water along zenith path using tip-derived brightness temperatures(liqtip)

  • Ensemble average for MWR vapor in window centered about balloon release(mean_vap_mwr)
  • Ensemble average for MWR liquid in window centered about balloon release(mean_liq_mwr)

  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)

  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)

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DQRID : D050725.4
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
SGP/MWR/B5 - Reprocess: Revised Retrieval Coefficients
DataStreams:sgp5mwravgB5.c1, sgpmwrlosB5.a1, sgpmwrlosB5.b1, sgpmwrtipB5.a1, sgpqmemwrcolB5.c1
IN THE BEGINNING (June 1992), the retrieval coefficients used to derive 
the precipitable water vapor (PWV) and liquid water path (LWP) from the 
MWR brightness temperatures were based on the Liebe and Layton (1987) 
water vapor and oxygen absorption model and the Grant (1957) liquid 
water absorption model.

Following the SHEBA experience, revised retrievals based on the more 
recent Rosenkranz (1998) water vapor and oxygen absorption models and 
the Liebe (1991) liquid waer absorption model were developed.  The 
Rosenkranz water vapor absorption model resulted a 2 percent increase 
in PWV relative to the earlier Liebe and Layton model.  The Liebe 
liquid water absorption model decreased the LWP by 10% relative to the 
Grant model.  However, the increased oxygen absorption caused a 
0.02-0.03 mm (20-30 g/m2) reduction in LWP, which was particularly 
significant for low LWP conditions (i.e. thin clouds encountered at 

Recently, it has been shown (Liljegren, Boukabara, Cady-Pereira, and 
Clough, TGARS v. 43, pp 1102-1108, 2005) that the half-width of the 
22 GHz water vapor line from the HITRAN compilation, which is 5 percent 
smaller than the Liebe and Dillon (1969) half-width used in Rosenkranz 
(1998), provided a better fit to the microwave brightness temperature 
measurements at 5 frequencies in the range 22-30 GHz, and yielded more 
accurate retrievals. Accordingly, revised MWR retrieval coefficients 
have been developed using MONORTM, which utilizes the HITRAN compilation 
for its spectroscopic parameters.  These new retrievals provide 3 
percent less PWV and 2.6 percent greater LWP than the previous 
retrievals based on Rosenkranz (1998).

Although the MWR data will be reprocessed to apply the new monortm-based 
retrievals, for most purposes it will be sufficient to correct the data 
using the following factors:


The Rosenkranz-based retrieval coefficients became active at SGP.B5 
20020415.2300.  The MONORTM-based retrieval coefficients became active 
at SGP.B5 20050624.2100.

Note: a reprocessing effort is already underway to apply the 
Rosenkranz-based retrieval coefficients to all MWR prior to April 
2002.  An additional reprocessing task will be undertaken to apply 
the MONORTM retrieval to all MWR data when the first is completed. 
Read reprocessing comments in the netcdf file header carefully to 
ensure you are aware which retrieval is in play.
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)

  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)

  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)

  • Ensemble average for MWR liquid in window centered about balloon release(mean_liq_mwr)
  • Ensemble average for MWR vapor in window centered about balloon release(mean_vap_mwr)

  • Total liquid water along zenith path using tip-derived brightness temperatures(liqtip)
  • Total water vapor along zenith path using tip-derived brightness temperatures(vaptip)

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DQRID : D951005.2
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
SGP/5MWRAVG/B1/B4/B5 - Valid LWP > 1 mm excluded from 5 min avgs
DataStreams:sgp5mwravgB1.c1, sgp5mwravgB4.c1, sgp5mwravgB5.c1
Note: These data have not been and will not be reprocessed.  The MWRAVG VAP has been 

The limit of maximum valid liquid water path was set at 1 mm.  Although this limit was 
selected 'conservatively' so as to definitely flag precipitation-contaminated data in the 
20-second (sgpmwrlos) files, the effect has been to exclude valid liquid water paths 
greater than 1 mm from the 5-minute averages (sgp5mwravg).

The following actions are recommended:
1) the maximum limits for precipitable water vapor (PWV) and liquid water path (LWP) be 
removed and, 2) the averaging algorithm instead exclude data on the basis of the brightness 
temperature flags.  These flags are set below a minimum of 2.75 K (cosmic background) 
and above a maximum of 100 K (precipitation).
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total liquid water amount(liq_sdev)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total water vapor amount(vap_sdev)

  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total water vapor amount(vap_sdev)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total liquid water amount(liq_sdev)

  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total water vapor amount(vap_sdev)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total liquid water amount(liq_sdev)

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DQRID : D960115.1
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV) values at Hillsboro
DataStreams:sgp5mwravgB1.c1, sgpmwrlosB1.a0, sgpmwrlosB1.a1
DQR No:                               Platform: sgpmwrlos, sgp5mwravg

Subject: Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV) values at Hillsboro

Date Submitted:
Submitted By:    JIM LILJEGREN        _X_  Instrument Mentor
                                      ___  EST Member
                                      ___  Science Team Member
                                      ___  Other _____________________________
For questions or problems, please contact the ARM Experiment Center at
509-375-6898 or via email at

    What level data: a0,a1,c1

    What location was the data collected at: SGP B1 (Hillsboro, KS)
    Period of time in question
        Begin Date  12/07/95   Time   03:00    (GMT)
        End Date    12/07/95   Time   16:00    (GMT)

        Begin Date  12/08/95   Time   20:00    (GMT)
        End Date    12/10/95   Time   06:00    (GMT)

 Data should be labeled:
 ___  questionable                      _X_  All data fields affected
 _X_  incorrect                         ___  Only some data fields affected
 _X_  wrong calibration
 ___  others 
 Discussion of Problem:

The precipitable water vapor was negative which is unreasonable.  At the
same time the brightness temperature in the 23.8 GHz was less than that
in the 31.4 GHz for apparently clear skies.  This is also unreasonable.
The calibration needs to be checked and updated.

Other observations/measurements impacted by this problem:


Suggested Corrections of the Problem: (e.g. change calibration factor and
recompute, flag data with this comment, etc.)

Correct calibration.

Data Processing Notes                Date
  • Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total water vapor amount(vap_sdev)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total liquid water amount(liq_sdev)
  • lon(lon)
  • base time(base_time)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky31_sdev)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky23_sdev)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
  • Number of data points averaged for 23tbsky, 31tbsky, vap & liq(num_obs)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • lat(lat)
  • Fraction of data in averaging interval with water on Teflon window(water_flag_fraction)

  • Actual Azimuth(actaz)
  • Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
  • Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)
  • Water on Teflon window (1=WET, 0=DRY)(wet_window)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • base time(base_time)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • lon(lon)
  • lat(lat)
  • Actual elevation angle(actel)
  • IR Brightness Temperature(ir_temp)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)

  • Which LOS configuration(losn)
  • IR Brightness Temperature(ir_temp)
  • 23.8 GHz noise injection brightness temperature(23unoise)
  • 23.8 GHz sky+noise injection signal(23skyn)
  • 23.8 GHz Blackbody signal(23bb)
  • 31.4 GHz blackbody(31bb)
  • base time(base_time)
  • 31.4 GHz blackbody+noise injection signal(31bbn)
  • 31.4 GHz sky signal(31sky)
  • Blackbody kinetic temperature(tkbb)
  • lon(lon)
  • Actual Azimuth(actaz)
  • 23.8 GHz sky signal(23sky)
  • 23.8 GHz blackbody+noise injection signal(23bbn)
  • lat(lat)
  • Mixer kinetic (physical) temperature(tkxc)
  • Actual elevation angle(actel)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)
  • 31.4 GHz noise injection brightness temperature(31unoise)
  • Water on Teflon window (1=WET, 0=DRY)(wet_window)
  • Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • 31.4 GHz sky+noise injection signal(31skyn)

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DQRID : D960404.12
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
SGP/MWR/B1/B4/B5 - Reprocess: Error in MWR calibration
DataStreams:sgp5mwravgB1.c1, sgp5mwravgB4.c1, sgp5mwravgB5.c1
The effect of this error is small.  At most, it results in a bias of
about -0.015 cm in precipitable water vapor and -0.015 mm in liquid
water path during clear sky conditions.  The error is largest when the
brightness temperatures are small (i.e.  clear skies and low PWV).

The error results from failing to correctly account for the effect of
the Teflon window covering the radiometer mirror.  Although the
contribution of the window is subtracted when the tip curve data are
reduced to determine the true zenith brightness temperature, it is not
added back in when the zenith brightness temperature is used to
calibrate the noise diode.  This would still not be a problem if the
contribution of the window where not subtracted (again) during zenith
line-of-sight (LOS) operations.  But it is and the net effect is to
subtract the contribution of the window twice.

The calibrations ('Noise Injection Temperatures') are off by a factor
of 1.00164 and 1.00217 for the 23.8 and 31.4 GHz frequencies,

The magnitude of the error is equal to the emissivity of the window
multiplied by the difference between the brightness temperature and the
temperature of the window.  The latter is taken to be equal to the
temperature of the internal blackbody target (which is about 10 deg C
above ambient.)  The emissivity of the window is 0.00164 at 23.8 GHz
and 0.00217 at 31.4 GHz.  For a reference temperature of 292.6 K and
brightness temperatures of 32.3 and 20.8 K at 23.8 and 31.4 GHz
respectively, this amounts to errors of -0.43 and -0.59 K at the
respective frequencies.  The average PWV for this date (5 April 1995)
was 1.4 cm.

At higher levels of PWV and for cloudy conditions, the brightness
temperatures are higher and so the error is smaller.

I will adjust the calibrations of all SGP radiometers to account
for this problem by the end of tomorrow (4 April 1996).
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total liquid water amount(liq_sdev)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total water vapor amount(vap_sdev)

  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total water vapor amount(vap_sdev)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total liquid water amount(liq_sdev)

  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total water vapor amount(vap_sdev)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total liquid water amount(liq_sdev)

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DQRID : D960404.8
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
SGP/MWR/B1/B4/B5 - Reprocess: MWR Tuning Functions
DataStreams:sgp5mwravgB1.c1, sgp5mwravgB4.c1, sgp5mwravgB5.c1
The 'tuning functions' used to adjust the equivalent brightness
temperatures (TBs) measured by the ARM microwave radiometers (MWRs) are
now believed to be both incorrect and unnecessary.  They should no longer
be used and the data (going back to 1992) that incorporated them should
be reprocessed.  By eliminating these tuning functions the radiometer
retrievals would be independent of the soundings.


A recent comparison by Barry Lesht (ANL) of the precipitable water
vapor (PWV) retrieved from the MWR-measured brightness temperatures
against PWV derived by integrating along the trajectory of radiosonde
ascents has revealed that the MWR values are about 90% of those derived
from the soundings.  This is directly attributable to the slope of the
tuning function for the vapor-sensing channel (23.8 GHz) of 0.915 which
is applied to the measured brightness temperatures prior to retrieval
of PWV.

The rationale behind the use of the tuning functions is that the
radiation model (Liebe 87), on which the retrieval is based, is
imperfect whereas the radiosondes represent 'ground truth.'  Thus the
observed brightness temperatures must be adjusted to match those
calculated with the model using co-located soundings so that the
retrieval yields precipitable vapor amounts that agree with the

Tuning functions were developed for the present ARM MWRs using
co-located soundings launched between October 1992 and December 1993.
These were adjusted slightly in January 1995 to account for the effects
of the 1-point calibration check performed prior to launch (see DQR

     23.8 GHz:  TB_model = 0.789 + 0.915 TB_measured  (R2 = 0.998)
     31.4 GHz:  TB_model = 1.142 + 0.910 TB_measured  (R2 = 0.984)

However, repeating this exercise for soundings launched during 1994 and
1995 (excepting those that were mis-calibrated by the manufacturer; see
D960229.1) it now appears that the model-calculated
brightness temperatures are in much closer agreement with the measured
values and that the tuning functions account more for variations in the
radiosonde calibration than for any deficiencies in the radiation

Consequently, it appears that the present tuning functions are
incorrect and bias the retrieved PWV low by 10%.  In addition, given
the present agreement between measured and modeled brightness
temperatures, the tuning functions are also unnecessary.


Brightness temperatures measured with microwave radiometer (MWR) serial
number 10, which was deployed at the central facility in December 1993,
have been compared against calculations using measurements from the
co-located Balloon-Borne Sounding System (BBSS).  The results are
summarized in two tables.  In each table, the calibration dates of the
sondes and MWR are listed as well as the time period and number of
samples included in each regression.  Each MWR sample is a 40-minute
average, centered on the time of the sonde launch, of the microwave
brightness temperature.  In order to include only clear sky conditions,
samples for which the standard deviation of the liquid-sensing (31.4
GHz) channel exceeded 0.3 K were eliminated.  To assure that the water
vapor was reasonably homogeneous horizontally, samples for which the
standard deviation in the vapor-sensing (23.8 GHz) channel exceeded 0.4
K (in 1995) or 0.5 K (in 1994) were eliminated.  The 1994 threshold is
larger in order to increase the number of samples and reduce the
standard error in the results.

The microwave radiometer measurements used in this comparison have been
reprocessed to account for calibration changes and other problems (see

                            TB vs PWV

The first table is a comparison of microwave brightness temperature
(TB_mwr) regressed against the precipitable water vapor (PWV) computed
by integrating along the trajectory of the radiosonde ascent.  The
sondes launched during May - December 1994 are compared against two
sets of MWR data; the first uses the May 1994 calibration, and the
second uses the calibration of July 1994.  A comparison is also made of
TB_model vs PWV ('Liebe87') for reference.

The intercepts indicate the contribution due to molecular oxygen (i.e.
the tail of the 60 GHz line) which is affected by temperature and
pressure.  Note that the 'Liebe87' intercepts vary seasonally as the
temperature changes.  Note also that the effect of MWR calibration
changes is most evident in the intercept: offsets of 1-2 K are
observed.  Because the MWR calibration values represent the slope of
the radiometer equation (see Appendix), the magnitude of the offset is
largest at 0 K (i.e. the intercept) and declines to zero at ambient
temperature (~290 K).

The slope of the regression is essentially unaffected by the MWR
calibration.  Variations in the slope of the regression correlate with
sonde calibration date.  The sondes calibrated in May 1994 or later
appear to yield much closer agreement between the measured brightness
temperatures and those calculated with the Liebe 87 model than those
calibrated in January 1994 or earlier, with which the present tuning
functions were developed.

TABLE 1.  Microwave brightness temperature vs. precipitable water vapor

Relationship:  TB_mwr (K) = intercept (K) + slope (K/cm) * PW_sonde (cm)
Standard Error of the intercepts and slopes are given in parentheses.

Date of   Date of  Period          ------ 23.8 GHz -----  ----- 31.4 GHz -----
Sonde Cal MWR tip  Covered    N    intercept   slope      intercept  slope

1991-93    92-93  Oct92-Dec93 91   6.7        14.7        8.1        5.3

1992,93   Dec 93  Jan-Feb 94  85   6.9(0.19)  15.8(0.26)  8.8(0.13)  5.6(0.17)
1992,93   Liebe87 Jan-Feb 94  85   6.5(0.02)  13.8(0.03)  8.9(0.07)  4.5(0.09)

 Jun 93   Dec 93      Apr 94  16  10.6(1.11)  14.8(0.55) 10.1(0.51)  5.6(0.25)
 Jun 93   Liebe87     Apr 94  16   6.9(0.05)  13.6(0.02)  8.1(0.09)  5.0(0.05)

1992,93   May 94  May-Jun 94  48   7.0(1.03)  14.9(0.45)  7.8(0.41)  5.7(0.17)
1992,93   Jul 94  May-Jun 94  48   5.1(1.03)  14.9(0.44)  6.6(0.39)  5.7(0.17)
1992,93   Liebe87 May-Jun 94  48   7.1(0.11)  13.5(0.05)  8.4(0.16)  4.9(0.07)

 Jan 94   Dec 93  Feb-May 94  95   7.6(0.27)  14.3(0.14)  8.5(0.15)  5.5(0.08)
 Jan 94   Liebe87 Feb-May 94  95   6.9(0.05)  13.6(0.02)  8.1(0.09)  5.0(0.05)

 May 94   May 94  Jun-Aug 94  78  12.3(1.04)  13.0(0.34) 11.0(0.39)  4.8(0.13)
 May 94   Jul 94  Jun-Aug 94  78  10.3(1.04)  13.1(0.34)  9.8(0.39)  4.8(0.13)
 May 94   Liebe87 Jun-Aug 94  78   7.8(0.22)  13.3(0.07)  8.6(0.29)  4.9(0.10)

 Jun 94   May 94  Jul-Dec 94  57   8.3(0.37)  13.6(0.21)  8.8(0.19)  5.2(0.11)
 Jun 94   Jul 94  Jul-Dec 94  57   6.4(0.37)  13.6(0.21)  7.7(0.18)  5.2(0.10)
 Jun 94   Liebe87 Jul-Dec 94  57   6.9(0.08)  13.5(0.04)  8.3(0.10)  4.9(0.06)

 Aug 94   May 94  Sep-Dec 94  90   7.4(0.15)  13.5(0.09)  8.8(0.11)  5.1(0.07)
 Aug 94   Jul 94  Sep-Dec 94  90   5.5(0.14)  13.6(0.09)  7.8(0.12)  5.0(0.07)
 Aug 94   Liebe87 Sep-Dec 94  90   6.8(0.05)  13.6(0.03)  8.6(0.09)  4.9(0.06)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)

  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)

  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)

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DQRID : D961117.11
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
Loss of thermal stabilization
DQR No:                               Platform: sgpmwrlos, sgp5mwravg, 

Subject: Loss of thermal stabilization

Date Submitted:
Submitted By:    JIM LILJEGREN        _X_  Instrument Mentor
                                      ___  EST Member
                                      ___  Science Team Member
                                      ___  Other _____________________________
For questions or problems, please contact the ARM Experiment Center at
509-375-6898 or via email at

      What level data: a0,a1,c1

    What location was the data collected at: SGP B1 (Hillsboro, KS)
                                             SGP B4 (Vici, OK)
                                             SGP B5 (Morris, OK)
                                             SGP B6 (Purcell, OK)
                                             SGP C1 (Lamont, OK) 

    Period of time in question  (see table below)

 Data should be labeled:
 ___  questionable                      ___  All data fields affected
 _X_  incorrect                         _X_  Only some data fields affected:
 ___  wrong calibration
 ___  others                                 "23tbsky","31tbsky","vap","liq"
 Discussion of Problem:

I pointed out in a previous DQR (P960405.1) that during August of 1994
and 1995 the microwave radiometers would lose thermal stabilization on
very hot, sunny days when the temperature in the radiometer enclosure
rose above the set point for thermal stabilization (~50 deg C).  Although
I had planned to travel to the SGP prior to August 1996 to adjust the
set points upward to prevent this problem from occuring this year, the
temperatures in July 1996 were hotter than in previous years and the
loss of stabilization problem occurred before I could make the needed

The purpose of this note is the identify the time periods for which
this problem occurred.  More specific information about the problem,
including how the problem is detected and its effect on the reported
values of integrated water vapor and integrated cloud liquid water are
provided in the earlier DQR.

It is useful to repeat here that when the thermal stabilization is
lost, the reported precipitable water vapor increases and the liquid
water path decreases (and becomes SIGNIFICANTLY NEGATIVE (-0.1 mm) on
clear sky days).  The RMS noise level in the data also increases


C1 (Central Facility)  
                         1 July 96  18:25 GMT      2 July 96  02:00 GMT
                         2          16:45          3          02:30
                         3          17:40          4          02:15
                         4          15:50          4          17:10
                         5          17:00          6          03:30
                         6          16:00          7          03:00
                         7          20:20          8          01:30
                        18          20:00         18          23:45
                        19          18:30         20          01:20
                        20          19:45         21          02:25
                        21          17:00         22          02:20
                        22          19:30         23          23:00

B1 (Hillsboro, KS)
                         1 July 96  20:30          2 July 96  01:15
                         2          17:00          3          02:00
                        17          20:30         18          00:15
                        18          19:25         19          02:00
                        19          19:00         20          02:30
                        20          18:35         21          00:30
                        21          20:20         22          01:40
                        28          20:55         28          00:15

B4 (Vici, OK)            2 July 96  19:25          2 July 96  23:15
                         3          19:35          3          21:15
                         4          20:40          5          00:30
                         5          19:15          6          02:00
                         6          19:00          6          22:40
                         7          20:45          8          00:30
                        21          19:45         22          02:00

B5 (Morris, OK)
                         1 July 96  18:35          2 July 96  00:45
                         2          17:20          3          01:15
                         3          17:25          4          02:00
                         5          20:20          6          01:45
                         6          16:45          7          02:30
                         7          18:10          8          01:00
                        19          20:00         20          00:20
                        20          19:30         21          00:55
                        21          18:15         22          01:30
                        22          19:30         23          01:15
                        23          22:00         24          00:15

B6 (Purcell, OK)

                         1 July 96  20:15          2 July 96  00:10
                         2          18:40          3          00:05
                         3          20:40          4          00:35
                         4          20:15          5          00:10
                         5          19:45          6          01:15
                         6          19:10          7          01:40
                        19          21:30         19          23:00
                        20          20:15         21          00:05
                        21          21:45         22          01:00
                        22          21:45         23          00:00

Other observations/measurements impacted by this problem:


Suggested Corrections of the Problem: (e.g. change calibration factor and
recompute, flag data with this comment, etc.)

Flag with this comment.
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky23_sdev)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)
  • Number of data points averaged for 23tbsky, 31tbsky, vap & liq(num_obs)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • lon(lon)
  • Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total water vapor amount(vap_sdev)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total liquid water amount(liq_sdev)
  • base time(base_time)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky31_sdev)
  • lat(lat)
  • Fraction of data in averaging interval with water on Teflon window(water_flag_fraction)
  • Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)

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DQRID : D961117.12
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
Loss of thermal stabilization
DQR No:                               Platform: sgpmwrlos, sgp5mwravg, 

Subject: Loss of thermal stabilization

Date Submitted:
Submitted By:    JIM LILJEGREN        _X_  Instrument Mentor
                                      ___  EST Member
                                      ___  Science Team Member
                                      ___  Other _____________________________
For questions or problems, please contact the ARM Experiment Center at
509-375-6898 or via email at

      What level data: a0,a1,c1

    What location was the data collected at: SGP B1 (Hillsboro, KS)
                                             SGP B4 (Vici, OK)
                                             SGP B5 (Morris, OK)
                                             SGP B6 (Purcell, OK)
                                             SGP C1 (Lamont, OK) 

    Period of time in question  (see table below)

 Data should be labeled:
 ___  questionable                      ___  All data fields affected
 _X_  incorrect                         _X_  Only some data fields affected:
 ___  wrong calibration
 ___  others                                 "23tbsky","31tbsky","vap","liq"
 Discussion of Problem:

I pointed out in a previous DQR (P960405.1) that during August of 1994
and 1995 the microwave radiometers would lose thermal stabilization on
very hot, sunny days when the temperature in the radiometer enclosure
rose above the set point for thermal stabilization (~50 deg C).  Although
I had planned to travel to the SGP prior to August 1996 to adjust the
set points upward to prevent this problem from occuring this year, the
temperatures in July 1996 were hotter than in previous years and the
loss of stabilization problem occurred before I could make the needed

The purpose of this note is the identify the time periods for which
this problem occurred.  More specific information about the problem,
including how the problem is detected and its effect on the reported
values of integrated water vapor and integrated cloud liquid water are
provided in the earlier DQR.

It is useful to repeat here that when the thermal stabilization is
lost, the reported precipitable water vapor increases and the liquid
water path decreases (and becomes SIGNIFICANTLY NEGATIVE (-0.1 mm) on
clear sky days).  The RMS noise level in the data also increases


C1 (Central Facility)  
                         1 July 96  18:25 GMT      2 July 96  02:00 GMT
                         2          16:45          3          02:30
                         3          17:40          4          02:15
                         4          15:50          4          17:10
                         5          17:00          6          03:30
                         6          16:00          7          03:00
                         7          20:20          8          01:30
                        18          20:00         18          23:45
                        19          18:30         20          01:20
                        20          19:45         21          02:25
                        21          17:00         22          02:20
                        22          19:30         23          23:00

B1 (Hillsboro, KS)
                         1 July 96  20:30          2 July 96  01:15
                         2          17:00          3          02:00
                        17          20:30         18          00:15
                        18          19:25         19          02:00
                        19          19:00         20          02:30
                        20          18:35         21          00:30
                        21          20:20         22          01:40
                        28          20:55         28          00:15

B4 (Vici, OK)            2 July 96  19:25          2 July 96  23:15
                         3          19:35          3          21:15
                         4          20:40          5          00:30
                         5          19:15          6          02:00
                         6          19:00          6          22:40
                         7          20:45          8          00:30
                        21          19:45         22          02:00

B5 (Morris, OK)
                         1 July 96  18:35          2 July 96  00:45
                         2          17:20          3          01:15
                         3          17:25          4          02:00
                         5          20:20          6          01:45
                         6          16:45          7          02:30
                         7          18:10          8          01:00
                        19          20:00         20          00:20
                        20          19:30         21          00:55
                        21          18:15         22          01:30
                        22          19:30         23          01:15
                        23          22:00         24          00:15

B6 (Purcell, OK)

                         1 July 96  20:15          2 July 96  00:10
                         2          18:40          3          00:05
                         3          20:40          4          00:35
                         4          20:15          5          00:10
                         5          19:45          6          01:15
                         6          19:10          7          01:40
                        19          21:30         19          23:00
                        20          20:15         21          00:05
                        21          21:45         22          01:00
                        22          21:45         23          00:00

Other observations/measurements impacted by this problem:


Suggested Corrections of the Problem: (e.g. change calibration factor and
recompute, flag data with this comment, etc.)

Flag with this comment.
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total liquid water amount(liq_sdev)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky23_sdev)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky31_sdev)
  • Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total water vapor amount(vap_sdev)
  • lon(lon)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)
  • Number of data points averaged for 23tbsky, 31tbsky, vap & liq(num_obs)
  • base time(base_time)
  • lat(lat)
  • Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)
  • Fraction of data in averaging interval with water on Teflon window(water_flag_fraction)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)

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DQRID : D961117.13
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
Loss of thermal stabilization
DQR No:                               Platform: sgpmwrlos, sgp5mwravg, 

Subject: Loss of thermal stabilization

Date Submitted:
Submitted By:    JIM LILJEGREN        _X_  Instrument Mentor
                                      ___  EST Member
                                      ___  Science Team Member
                                      ___  Other _____________________________
For questions or problems, please contact the ARM Experiment Center at
509-375-6898 or via email at

      What level data: a0,a1,c1

    What location was the data collected at: SGP B1 (Hillsboro, KS)
                                             SGP B4 (Vici, OK)
                                             SGP B5 (Morris, OK)
                                             SGP B6 (Purcell, OK)
                                             SGP C1 (Lamont, OK) 

    Period of time in question  (see table below)

 Data should be labeled:
 ___  questionable                      ___  All data fields affected
 _X_  incorrect                         _X_  Only some data fields affected:
 ___  wrong calibration
 ___  others                                 "23tbsky","31tbsky","vap","liq"
 Discussion of Problem:

I pointed out in a previous DQR (P960405.1) that during August of 1994
and 1995 the microwave radiometers would lose thermal stabilization on
very hot, sunny days when the temperature in the radiometer enclosure
rose above the set point for thermal stabilization (~50 deg C).  Although
I had planned to travel to the SGP prior to August 1996 to adjust the
set points upward to prevent this problem from occuring this year, the
temperatures in July 1996 were hotter than in previous years and the
loss of stabilization problem occurred before I could make the needed

The purpose of this note is the identify the time periods for which
this problem occurred.  More specific information about the problem,
including how the problem is detected and its effect on the reported
values of integrated water vapor and integrated cloud liquid water are
provided in the earlier DQR.

It is useful to repeat here that when the thermal stabilization is
lost, the reported precipitable water vapor increases and the liquid
water path decreases (and becomes SIGNIFICANTLY NEGATIVE (-0.1 mm) on
clear sky days).  The RMS noise level in the data also increases


C1 (Central Facility)  
                         1 July 96  18:25 GMT      2 July 96  02:00 GMT
                         2          16:45          3          02:30
                         3          17:40          4          02:15
                         4          15:50          4          17:10
                         5          17:00          6          03:30
                         6          16:00          7          03:00
                         7          20:20          8          01:30
                        18          20:00         18          23:45
                        19          18:30         20          01:20
                        20          19:45         21          02:25
                        21          17:00         22          02:20
                        22          19:30         23          23:00

B1 (Hillsboro, KS)
                         1 July 96  20:30          2 July 96  01:15
                         2          17:00          3          02:00
                        17          20:30         18          00:15
                        18          19:25         19          02:00
                        19          19:00         20          02:30
                        20          18:35         21          00:30
                        21          20:20         22          01:40
                        28          20:55         28          00:15

B4 (Vici, OK)            2 July 96  19:25          2 July 96  23:15
                         3          19:35          3          21:15
                         4          20:40          5          00:30
                         5          19:15          6          02:00
                         6          19:00          6          22:40
                         7          20:45          8          00:30
                        21          19:45         22          02:00

B5 (Morris, OK)
                         1 July 96  18:35          2 July 96  00:45
                         2          17:20          3          01:15
                         3          17:25          4          02:00
                         5          20:20          6          01:45
                         6          16:45          7          02:30
                         7          18:10          8          01:00
                        19          20:00         20          00:20
                        20          19:30         21          00:55
                        21          18:15         22          01:30
                        22          19:30         23          01:15
                        23          22:00         24          00:15

B6 (Purcell, OK)

                         1 July 96  20:15          2 July 96  00:10
                         2          18:40          3          00:05
                         3          20:40          4          00:35
                         4          20:15          5          00:10
                         5          19:45          6          01:15
                         6          19:10          7          01:40
                        19          21:30         19          23:00
                        20          20:15         21          00:05
                        21          21:45         22          01:00
                        22          21:45         23          00:00

Other observations/measurements impacted by this problem:


Suggested Corrections of the Problem: (e.g. change calibration factor and
recompute, flag data with this comment, etc.)

Flag with this comment.
  • base time(base_time)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total liquid water amount(liq_sdev)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)
  • Fraction of data in averaging interval with water on Teflon window(water_flag_fraction)
  • lat(lat)
  • lon(lon)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky31_sdev)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total water vapor amount(vap_sdev)
  • Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky23_sdev)
  • Number of data points averaged for 23tbsky, 31tbsky, vap & liq(num_obs)
  • Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)

Back To Table of Contents

DQRID : D961117.16
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
Loss of thermal stabilization
DataStreams:sgp5mwravgB1.c1, sgp5mwravgB4.c1, sgp5mwravgB5.c1
DQR No:                               Platform: sgpmwrlos, sgp5mwravg, 

Subject: Loss of thermal stabilization

Date Submitted:
Submitted By:    JIM LILJEGREN        _X_  Instrument Mentor
                                      ___  EST Member
                                      ___  Science Team Member
                                      ___  Other _____________________________
For questions or problems, please contact the ARM Experiment Center at
509-375-6898 or via email at

      What level data: a0,a1,c1

    What location was the data collected at: SGP B1 (Hillsboro, KS)
                                             SGP B4 (Vici, OK)
                                             SGP B5 (Morris, OK)
                                             SGP B6 (Purcell, OK)
                                             SGP C1 (Lamont, OK) 

    Period of time in question  (see table below)

Data should be labeled:
 ___  questionable                      ___  All data fields affected
 _X_  incorrect                         _X_  Only some data fields affected:
___  wrong calibration
___  others                                 "23tbsky","31tbsky","vap","liq"

 Discussion of Problem:

I pointed out in a previous DQR (D960405.1) that during August of 1994
and 1995 the microwave radiometers would lose thermal stabilization on
very hot, sunny days when the temperature in the radiometer enclosure
rose above the set point for thermal stabilization (~50 deg C).  Although
I had planned to travel to the SGP prior to August 1996 to adjust the
set points upward to prevent this problem from occuring this year, the
temperatures in July 1996 were hotter than in previous years and the
loss of stabilization problem occurred before I could make the needed

The purpose of this note is the identify the time periods for which
this problem occurred.  More specific information about the problem,
including how the problem is detected and its effect on the reported
values of integrated water vapor and integrated cloud liquid water are
provided in the earlier DQR.

It is useful to repeat here that when the thermal stabilization is
lost, the reported precipitable water vapor increases and the liquid
water path decreases (and becomes SIGNIFICANTLY NEGATIVE (-0.1 mm) on
clear sky days).  The RMS noise level in the data also increases


C1 (Central Facility)  
                         1 July 96  18:25 GMT      2 July 96  02:00 GMT
                         2          16:45          3          02:30
                         3          17:40          4          02:15
                         4          15:50          4          17:10
                         5          17:00          6          03:30
                         6          16:00          7          03:00
                         7          20:20          8          01:30
                        18          20:00         18          23:45
                        19          18:30         20          01:20
                        20          19:45         21          02:25
                        21          17:00         22          02:20
                        22          19:30         23          23:00

B1 (Hillsboro, KS)
                         1 July 96  20:30          2 July 96  01:15
                         2          17:00          3          02:00
                        17          20:30         18          00:15
                        18          19:25         19          02:00
                        19          19:00         20          02:30
                        20          18:35         21          00:30
                        21          20:20         22          01:40
                        28          20:55         28          00:15

B4 (Vici, OK)            2 July 96  19:25          2 July 96  23:15
                         3          19:35          3          21:15
                         4          20:40          5          00:30
                         5          19:15          6          02:00
                         6          19:00          6          22:40
                         7          20:45          8          00:30
                        21          19:45         22          02:00

B5 (Morris, OK)
                         1 July 96  18:35          2 July 96  00:45
                         2          17:20          3          01:15
                         3          17:25          4          02:00
                         5          20:20          6          01:45
                         6          16:45          7          02:30
                         7          18:10          8          01:00
                        19          20:00         20          00:20
                        20          19:30         21          00:55
                        21          18:15         22          01:30
                        22          19:30         23          01:15
                        23          22:00         24          00:15

B6 (Purcell, OK)

                         1 July 96  20:15          2 July 96  00:10
                         2          18:40          3          00:05
                         3          20:40          4          00:35
                         4          20:15          5          00:10
                         5          19:45          6          01:15
                         6          19:10          7          01:40
                        19          21:30         19          23:00
                        20          20:15         21          00:05
                        21          21:45         22          01:00
                        22          21:45         23          00:00

Other observations/measurements impacted by this problem:


Suggested Corrections of the Problem: (e.g. change calibration factor and
recompute, flag data with this comment, etc.)

Flag with this comment.
  • Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total water vapor amount(vap_sdev)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total liquid water amount(liq_sdev)
  • lon(lon)
  • IR Brightness Temperature(ir_temp)
  • base time(base_time)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky31_sdev)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky23_sdev)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the IR brightness temperature(ir_temp_sdev)
  • Number of data points averaged for 23tbsky, 31tbsky, vap & liq(num_obs)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • lat(lat)
  • Fraction of data in averaging interval with water on Teflon window(water_flag_fraction)

  • IR Brightness Temperature(ir_temp)
  • Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the IR brightness temperature(ir_temp_sdev)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky31_sdev)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total water vapor amount(vap_sdev)
  • lat(lat)
  • Fraction of data in averaging interval with water on Teflon window(water_flag_fraction)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total liquid water amount(liq_sdev)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky23_sdev)
  • Number of data points averaged for 23tbsky, 31tbsky, vap & liq(num_obs)
  • base time(base_time)
  • Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)
  • lon(lon)

  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • IR Brightness Temperature(ir_temp)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total liquid water amount(liq_sdev)
  • Fraction of data in averaging interval with water on Teflon window(water_flag_fraction)
  • lat(lat)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total water vapor amount(vap_sdev)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky23_sdev)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)
  • lon(lon)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky31_sdev)
  • Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
  • Number of data points averaged for 23tbsky, 31tbsky, vap & liq(num_obs)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the IR brightness temperature(ir_temp_sdev)
  • base time(base_time)
  • Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)

Back To Table of Contents

DQRID : D961117.17
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
Loss of thermal stabilization
DQR No:                               Platform: sgpmwrlos, sgp5mwravg, 

Subject: Loss of thermal stabilization

Date Submitted:
Submitted By:    JIM LILJEGREN        _X_  Instrument Mentor
                                      ___  EST Member
                                      ___  Science Team Member
                                      ___  Other _____________________________
For questions or problems, please contact the ARM Experiment Center at
509-375-6898 or via email at

      What level data: a0,a1,c1

    What location was the data collected at: SGP B1 (Hillsboro, KS)
                                             SGP B4 (Vici, OK)
                                             SGP B5 (Morris, OK)
                                             SGP B6 (Purcell, OK)
                                             SGP C1 (Lamont, OK) 

    Period of time in question  (see table below)

 Data should be labeled:
 ___  questionable                      ___  All data fields affected
 _X_  incorrect                         _X_  Only some data fields affected:
 ___  wrong calibration
 ___  others                                 '23tbsky','31tbsky','vap','liq'
 Discussion of Problem:

I pointed out in a previous DQR (D960405.1) that during August of 1994
and 1995 the microwave radiometers would lose thermal stabilization on
very hot, sunny days when the temperature in the radiometer enclosure
rose above the set point for thermal stabilization (~50 deg C).  Although
I had planned to travel to the SGP prior to August 1996 to adjust the
set points upward to prevent this problem from occuring this year, the
temperatures in July 1996 were hotter than in previous years and the
loss of stabilization problem occurred before I could make the needed

The purpose of this note is the identify the time periods for which
this problem occurred.  More specific information about the problem,
including how the problem is detected and its effect on the reported
values of integrated water vapor and integrated cloud liquid water are
provided in the earlier DQR.

It is useful to repeat here that when the thermal stabilization is
lost, the reported precipitable water vapor increases and the liquid
water path decreases (and becomes SIGNIFICANTLY NEGATIVE (-0.1 mm) on
clear sky days).  The RMS noise level in the data also increases


C1 (Central Facility)  
                         1 July 96  18:25 GMT      2 July 96  02:00 GMT
                         2          16:45          3          02:30
                         3          17:40          4          02:15
                         4          15:50          4          17:10
                         5          17:00          6          03:30
                         6          16:00          7          03:00
                         7          20:20          8          01:30
                        18          20:00         18          23:45
                        19          18:30         20          01:20
                        20          19:45         21          02:25
                        21          17:00         22          02:20
                        22          19:30         23          23:00

B1 (Hillsboro, KS)
                         1 July 96  20:30          2 July 96  01:15
                         2          17:00          3          02:00
                        17          20:30         18          00:15
                        18          19:25         19          02:00
                        19          19:00         20          02:30
                        20          18:35         21          00:30
                        21          20:20         22          01:40
                        28          20:55         28          00:15

B4 (Vici, OK)            2 July 96  19:25          2 July 96  23:15
                         3          19:35          3          21:15
                         4          20:40          5          00:30
                         5          19:15          6          02:00
                         6          19:00          6          22:40
                         7          20:45          8          00:30
                        21          19:45         22          02:00

B5 (Morris, OK)
                         1 July 96  18:35          2 July 96  00:45
                         2          17:20          3          01:15
                         3          17:25          4          02:00
                         5          20:20          6          01:45
                         6          16:45          7          02:30
                         7          18:10          8          01:00
                        19          20:00         20          00:20
                        20          19:30         21          00:55
                        21          18:15         22          01:30
                        22          19:30         23          01:15
                        23          22:00         24          00:15

B6 (Purcell, OK)

                         1 July 96  20:15          2 July 96  00:10
                         2          18:40          3          00:05
                         3          20:40          4          00:35
                         4          20:15          5          00:10
                         5          19:45          6          01:15
                         6          19:10          7          01:40
                        19          21:30         19          23:00
                        20          20:15         21          00:05
                        21          21:45         22          01:00
                        22          21:45         23          00:00

Other observations/measurements impacted by this problem:


Suggested Corrections of the Problem: (e.g. change calibration factor and
recompute, flag data with this comment, etc.)

Flag with this comment.
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total liquid water amount(liq_sdev)
  • IR Brightness Temperature(ir_temp)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky23_sdev)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky31_sdev)
  • Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total water vapor amount(vap_sdev)
  • lon(lon)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)
  • Number of data points averaged for 23tbsky, 31tbsky, vap & liq(num_obs)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the IR brightness temperature(ir_temp_sdev)
  • base time(base_time)
  • lat(lat)
  • Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)
  • Fraction of data in averaging interval with water on Teflon window(water_flag_fraction)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)

Back To Table of Contents

DQRID : D961117.18
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
Loss of thermal stabilization
DQR No:                               Platform: sgpmwrlos, sgp5mwravg, 

Subject: Loss of thermal stabilization

Date Submitted:
Submitted By:    JIM LILJEGREN        _X_  Instrument Mentor
                                      ___  EST Member
                                      ___  Science Team Member
                                      ___  Other _____________________________
For questions or problems, please contact the ARM Experiment Center at
509-375-6898 or via email at

      What level data: a0,a1,c1

    What location was the data collected at: SGP B1 (Hillsboro, KS)
                                             SGP B4 (Vici, OK)
                                             SGP B5 (Morris, OK)
                                             SGP B6 (Purcell, OK)
                                             SGP C1 (Lamont, OK) 

    Period of time in question  (see table below)

 Data should be labeled:
 ___  questionable                      ___  All data fields affected
 _X_  incorrect                         _X_  Only some data fields affected:
 ___  wrong calibration
 ___  others                                 '23tbsky','31tbsky','vap','liq'
 Discussion of Problem:

I pointed out in a previous DQR (D960405.1) that during August of 1994
and 1995 the microwave radiometers would lose thermal stabilization on
very hot, sunny days when the temperature in the radiometer enclosure
rose above the set point for thermal stabilization (~50 deg C).  Although
I had planned to travel to the SGP prior to August 1996 to adjust the
set points upward to prevent this problem from occuring this year, the
temperatures in July 1996 were hotter than in previous years and the
loss of stabilization problem occurred before I could make the needed

The purpose of this note is the identify the time periods for which
this problem occurred.  More specific information about the problem,
including how the problem is detected and its effect on the reported
values of integrated water vapor and integrated cloud liquid water are
provided in the earlier DQR.

It is useful to repeat here that when the thermal stabilization is
lost, the reported precipitable water vapor increases and the liquid
water path decreases (and becomes SIGNIFICANTLY NEGATIVE (-0.1 mm) on
clear sky days).  The RMS noise level in the data also increases


C1 (Central Facility)  
                         1 July 96  18:25 GMT      2 July 96  02:00 GMT
                         2          16:45          3          02:30
                         3          17:40          4          02:15
                         4          15:50          4          17:10
                         5          17:00          6          03:30
                         6          16:00          7          03:00
                         7          20:20          8          01:30
                        18          20:00         18          23:45
                        19          18:30         20          01:20
                        20          19:45         21          02:25
                        21          17:00         22          02:20
                        22          19:30         23          23:00

B1 (Hillsboro, KS)
                         1 July 96  20:30          2 July 96  01:15
                         2          17:00          3          02:00
                        17          20:30         18          00:15
                        18          19:25         19          02:00
                        19          19:00         20          02:30
                        20          18:35         21          00:30
                        21          20:20         22          01:40
                        28          20:55         28          00:15

B4 (Vici, OK)            2 July 96  19:25          2 July 96  23:15
                         3          19:35          3          21:15
                         4          20:40          5          00:30
                         5          19:15          6          02:00
                         6          19:00          6          22:40
                         7          20:45          8          00:30
                        21          19:45         22          02:00

B5 (Morris, OK)
                         1 July 96  18:35          2 July 96  00:45
                         2          17:20          3          01:15
                         3          17:25          4          02:00
                         5          20:20          6          01:45
                         6          16:45          7          02:30
                         7          18:10          8          01:00
                        19          20:00         20          00:20
                        20          19:30         21          00:55
                        21          18:15         22          01:30
                        22          19:30         23          01:15
                        23          22:00         24          00:15

B6 (Purcell, OK)

                         1 July 96  20:15          2 July 96  00:10
                         2          18:40          3          00:05
                         3          20:40          4          00:35
                         4          20:15          5          00:10
                         5          19:45          6          01:15
                         6          19:10          7          01:40
                        19          21:30         19          23:00
                        20          20:15         21          00:05
                        21          21:45         22          01:00
                        22          21:45         23          00:00

Other observations/measurements impacted by this problem:


Suggested Corrections of the Problem: (e.g. change calibration factor and
recompute, flag data with this comment, etc.)

Flag with this comment.
  • base time(base_time)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total liquid water amount(liq_sdev)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)
  • Fraction of data in averaging interval with water on Teflon window(water_flag_fraction)
  • lat(lat)
  • lon(lon)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky31_sdev)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total water vapor amount(vap_sdev)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky23_sdev)
  • Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
  • IR Brightness Temperature(ir_temp)
  • Number of data points averaged for 23tbsky, 31tbsky, vap & liq(num_obs)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the IR brightness temperature(ir_temp_sdev)
  • Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)

Back To Table of Contents

DQRID : D961120.1
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
SGP/MWR/B1/B4/B5/B6/C1 - Thermal Stabilization Adjustment
DataStreams:sgp1mwravgC1.c1, sgp5mwravgB1.c1, sgp5mwravgB4.c1, sgp5mwravgB5.c1, sgp5mwravgB6.c1,
sgp5mwravgC1.c1, sgpmwrlosB1.a0, sgpmwrlosB1.a1, sgpmwrlosB4.a0, sgpmwrlosB4.a1,
sgpmwrlosB5.a0, sgpmwrlosB5.a1, sgpmwrlosB6.a0, sgpmwrlosB6.a1, sgpmwrlosC1.a1, sgpmwrlosC1.b1
In order to correct a thermal stabilization problem identified earlier
I adjusted the thermal set point of the microwave radiometers at the
SGP upward from 48-50 deg C to 55 deg C in early August 1996 according
to the schedule given below.

B6    5 August 1996
C1    6 August 1996
B1    7 August 1996
B5    8 August 1996

Subsequent to making this adjustment the MWRs were put in TIP mode to
check on whether the change in set point temperature affected their
calibration.  Because clear sky conditions were quite intermittent, it
is difficult to determine whether the substantial variability in the
tip data were attributable to the change in thermal set point.  The
instrument calibration was not altered in August.

Tip data were again collected with these instruments in September prior
to the beginning and at the close of the Water Vapor IOP.  For example,
the calibration of the instrument at the central facility (S/N 10)
derived from the September data was essentially the same as that
derived from calibration data acquired in February 1996.  Although this
would lead one to believe that altering the thermal set point did not
affect the instrument calibration, it may be that some transient effect
was induced.

In comparing soundings launched from the central facility with the
microwave radiometer there, I noticed that those sondes calibrated in
June 1996 consistently reported lower integrated water vapor than the
radiometer in July and September (during the IOP) but were in better
agreement with the radiometer for the two weeks period immediately
after the set point was adjusted.  I suspect that adjusting the thermal
set point may have temporarily increased the radiometer gain
(kelvins/volt) thereby lowering the measured brightness temperature and
the retrieved integrated water vapor.

It is not clear why a temporary change in gain should occur or even
whether it did.  But users of the data should be aware that the data
from the microwave radiometers at the SGP may be anomalous during
August 1996.
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)

  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)

  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)

  • Sky brightness temperature at 31.4 GHz(tbsky31)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • Sky brightness temperature at 23.8 GHz(tbsky23)

  • Sky brightness temperature at 23.8 GHz(tbsky23)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Sky brightness temperature at 31.4 GHz(tbsky31)

  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)

  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)

  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)

  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)

  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)

  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)

  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)

  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)

  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)

  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)

  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)

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DQRID : D991102.1
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
SGP/MWR/B4 - power lines in field of view
DataStreams:sgp5mwravgB4.c1, sgpmwrlosB4.00, sgpmwrlosB4.a1, sgpmwrlosB4.b1, sgpmwrtipB4.00,
On 5 March 1999, the local power company installed transmission lines north 
of BF4 at an elevation angle of about 30 degrees from the MWR, in the field 
of view of tip scans. This affected the calibration of the instrument and 
the retrieved values of precipitable water vapor and liquid water path. 
On 8 June 1999 at 1710 GMT, the MWR was remotely rotated 90 degrees so the 
instrument would scan from east to west.
This reorientation has corrected the problem.
  • 31.4 GHz blac2body+noise injection signal(bbn31)
  • Temperature correction coefficient at 31.4 GHz(tc31)
  • Noise injection temp at nominal temperature at 31.4 GHz(tnd_nom31)
  • 23.8 GHz Blackbody signal(bb23)
  • Noise injection temp at 31.4 GHz derived from this tip(tnd31I)
  • 31.4 GHz blackbody(bb31)
  • Noise injection temp at 31.4 GHz adjusted to tkbb(tnd31)
  • Noise injection temp at 23.8 GHz derived from this tip(tnd23I)
  • 31.4 GHz goodness-of-fit coefficient(r31)
  • 23.8 GHz sky signal(tipsky23)
  • Noise injection temp at nominal temperature at 23.8 GHz(tnd_nom23)
  • Temperature correction coefficient at 23.8 GHz(tc23)
  • Noise injection temp at 23.8 GHz adjusted to tkbb(tnd23)
  • 23.8 GHz goodness-of-fit coefficient(r23)
  • 23.8 GHz blackbody+noise injection signal(bbn23)
  • 31.4 GHz sky signal(tipsky31)

  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total liquid water amount(liq_sdev)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky23_sdev)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky31_sdev)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total water vapor amount(vap_sdev)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)

  • null(Raw data stream - documentation not supported)

  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • Sky brightness temperature at 31.4 GHz(tbsky31)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Sky brightness temperature at 23.8 GHz(tbsky23)

  • null(Raw data stream - documentation not supported)

  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)

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DQRID : D991110.1
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
SGP/MWR/B5 - Reprocess: wet window flag high
DataStreams:sgp5mwravgB5.c1, sgplssondeB5.c1, sgpqmemwrcolB5.c1
The dew blower heater failed causing the "wet_window" flag to be consistently set to "1".

Ignore this flag or edit it to equal "0" (except when "liq" is greater than 0.5 mm).

The following data streams could not be created due to the flagged wet window:
  • lat(lat)
  • Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)
  • Dry bulb temperature(tdry)
  • Relative humidity inside the instrument enclosure(rh)
  • lon(lon)
  • base time(base_time)
  • Retrieved pressure profile(pres)
  • Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)

  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total liquid water amount(liq_sdev)
  • Fraction of data in averaging interval with water on Teflon window(water_flag_fraction)
  • lat(lat)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the total water vapor amount(vap_sdev)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky23_sdev)
  • 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature(23tbsky)
  • 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(31tbsky)
  • lon(lon)
  • Standard deviation about the mean for the 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature(tbsky31_sdev)
  • Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
  • Number of data points averaged for 23tbsky, 31tbsky, vap & liq(num_obs)
  • base time(base_time)
  • Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)

  • MWR IPM output for atmospheric mean radiating temp using sonde T,P,RH(model_tmr23)
  • Integrated vapor column from sonde using MWR Instrument Performance Model (IPM)(integ_vap_sonde)
  • Serial number for the sonde used at this time.(sonde_serial_number)
  • (model_tbsky23 - mean_tbsky23_mwr)/sd_tbsky23_mwr(sdev_tbsky23_away)
  • Ensemble average for MWR liquid in window centered about balloon release(mean_liq_mwr)
  • Ensemble average for MWR vapor in window centered about balloon release(mean_vap_mwr)
  • Ensemble average for MWR IR Brightness Temperature in window centered about
    balloon release(mean_ir_temp_mwr)
  • (model_tbsky31 - mean_tbsky31)/sd_tbsky31_mwr(sdev_tbsky31_away)
  • Size of MWR ensemble for mean_liq_mwr field(num_liq_mwr)
  • MWR IPM output for 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature using sonde T,P,RH(model_tbsky23)
  • Dummy altitude for Zeb(alt)
  • Standard deviation of ensemble average for MWR vapor(sd_vap_mwr)
  • Size of MWR ensemble for mean_vap_mwr field(num_vap_mwr)
  • Status of the Instrument Performance Model results(model_status_flag)
  • lon(lon)
  • MWR IPM output for atmospheric mean radiating temp using sonde T,P,RH(model_tmr31)
  • ensemble average for MWR 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature in window centered(mean_tbsky31_mwr)
  • ensemble average for MWR 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature in window centered(mean_tbsky23_mwr)
  • Size of MWR ensemble for mean_tbsky23_mwr field(num_tbsky23_mwr)
  • Size of MWR ensemble for mean_tbsky31_mwr field(num_tbsky31_mwr)
  • lat(lat)
  • Size of MWR ensemble for mean_ir_temp_mwr field(num_ir_temp_mwr)
  • Standard deviation for ensemble average for MWR 31.4 GHz sky brightness tempera(sd_tbsky31_mwr)
  • Standard deviation for ensemble average for MWR 23.8 GHz sky brightness tempera(sd_tbsky23_mwr)
  • (integ_vap_sonde - mean_vap_mwr) /sd_vap_mwr(sdev_vap_away)
  • maximum height attained by the balloon in pressure units(max_height_sonde)
  • MWR IPM output for 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature using sonde T,P,RH(model_tbsky31)
  • Integrated vapor column from sonde using a direct calculation (external from the
  • denotes whether mean_liq_mwr was above LIQ_WATER_THRESHOLD or whether MWR IPM u(likely_clouds)
  • Standard deviation for ensemble average for MWR liq(sd_liq_mwr)
  • base time(base_time)
  • Time offset of tweaks from base_time(time_offset)
  • Standard deviation of ensemble average for MWR ir_temp(sdev_ir_temp_mwr)

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