Data Quality Reports for Session: 115064 User: park2760 Completed: 10/22/2008


DQR IDSubjectData Streams Affected
D050502.3SGP/BRS/C1 - SWFANAL Data description error sgp15swfanalbrs1longC1.c1, sgp1swfanalbrs1longC1.c1
D050725.2SGP/MWR/B1 - Reprocess: Revised Retrieval Coefficientssgp5mwravgB1.c1, sgpmwrlosB1.a1, sgpmwrlosB1.b1, sgpmwrtipB1.a1, sgpqmemwrcolB1.c1

DQRID : D050502.3
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
SGP/BRS/C1 - SWFANAL Data description error
DataStreams:sgp15swfanalbrs1longC1.c1, sgp1swfanalbrs1longC1.c1
The long name attribute for the cloud effect fields incorrectly
defines the cloud effect to be the difference between the 
clearskyfit and measured values:
"Difference: ***fluxdn_clearskyfit - ***fluxdn_measured (***fcg)" ;
The cloud effects are correctly calculated by subtracting the
irradiance calculated in the clear sky fit from the measured 
"Difference: ***fluxdn_measured - ***fluxdn_clearskyfit (***fcg)" ;
NOTE: this is just a documentation error.  The data are correctly
  • Difference: sswfluxdn_measured - sswfluxdn_clearskyfit (sswfcg)(sswfluxdn_cloudeffect)
  • Difference: difswfluxdn_measured - difswfluxdn_clearskyfit (diffcg)(difswfluxdn_cloudeffect)
  • Difference: gswfluxdn_measured - gswfluxdn_clearskyfit (gswfcg)(gswfluxdn_cloudeffect)

  • Difference: difswfluxdn_measured - difswfluxdn_clearskyfit (diffcg)(difswfluxdn_cloudeffect)
  • Difference: sswfluxdn_measured - sswfluxdn_clearskyfit (sswfcg)(sswfluxdn_cloudeffect)
  • Difference: gswfluxdn_measured - gswfluxdn_clearskyfit (gswfcg)(gswfluxdn_cloudeffect)

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DQRID : D050725.2
Start DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time
SGP/MWR/B1 - Reprocess: Revised Retrieval Coefficients
DataStreams:sgp5mwravgB1.c1, sgpmwrlosB1.a1, sgpmwrlosB1.b1, sgpmwrtipB1.a1, sgpqmemwrcolB1.c1
IN THE BEGINNING (June 1992), the retrieval coefficients used to derive the precipitable 
water vapor (PWV) and liquid water path (LWP) from the MWR brightness temperatures were 
based on the Liebe and Layton (1987) water vapor and oxygen absorption model and the Grant 
(1957) liquid water absorption model.

Following the SHEBA experience, revised retrievals based on the more recent Rosenkranz 
(1998) water vapor and oxygen absorption models and the Liebe (1991) liquid waer absorption 
model were developed.  The Rosenkranz water vapor absorption model resulted a 2 percent 
increase in PWV relative to the earlier Liebe and Layton model.  The Liebe liquid water 
absorption model decreased the LWP by 10% relative to the Grant model.  However, the 
increased oxygen absorption caused a 0.02-0.03 mm (20-30 g/m2) reduction in LWP, which was 
particularly significant for low LWP conditions (i.e. thin clouds encountered at SHEBA).

Recently, it has been shown (Liljegren, Boukabara, Cady-Pereira, and Clough, TGARS v. 43, 
pp 1102-1108, 2005) that the half-width of the 22 GHz water vapor line from the HITRAN 
compilation, which is 5 percent smaller than the Liebe and Dillon (1969) half-width used in 
Rosenkranz (1998), provided a better fit to the microwave brightness temperature 
measurements at 5 frequencies in the range 22-30 GHz, and yielded more accurate retrievals. 
Accordingly, revised MWR retrieval coefficients have been developed using MONORTM, which 
utilizes the HITRAN compilation for its spectroscopic parameters.  These new retrievals 
provide 3 percent less PWV and 2.6 percent greater LWP than the previous retrievals based on 
Rosenkranz (1998).

Although the MWR data will be reprocessed to apply the new monortm-based retrievals, for 
most purposes it will be sufficient to correct the data using the following factors:


The Rosenkranz-based retrieval coefficients became active at SGP.B1 20020412.1600.  The 
MONORTM-based retrieval coefficients became active at SGP.B1 20050624.2100.

Note: a reprocessing effort is already underway to apply the Rosenkranz-based retrieval 
coefficients to all MWR prior to April 2002.  An additional reprocessing task will be 
undertaken to apply the MONORTM retrieval to all MWR data when the first is completed.  Read 
reprocessing comments in the netcdf file header carefully to ensure you are aware which 
retrieval is in play.
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)

  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)
  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)

  • MWR column precipitable water vapor(vap)
  • Averaged total liquid water along LOS path(liq)

  • Total liquid water along zenith path using tip-derived brightness temperatures(liqtip)
  • Total water vapor along zenith path using tip-derived brightness temperatures(vaptip)

  • Ensemble average for MWR liquid in window centered about balloon release(mean_liq_mwr)
  • Ensemble average for MWR vapor in window centered about balloon release(mean_vap_mwr)

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